Übersetzung für "la boca cerrada" auf englisch
El MI6 me pagó para que mantuviera la boca cerrada, y he mantenido la boca cerrada.
I was paid by MI6 to keep my mouth closed. I have kept my mouth closed.
No obstante, mantuvo la boca cerrada.
He kept his mouth closed instead.
Pero al menos lo haces con la boca cerrada.
But at least you keep your mouth closed.
Cuando las mujeres se quejan, la respuesta es "echadle la culpa a Shumate; si hubiera mantenido la boca cerrada, haríamos lo que quisiérais".
Complaints by the women are replied to with “just blame Shumate; if she'd kept her mouth shut, we would do what you want”.
Sería mejor que Corea del Sur mantuviera la boca cerrada, ya que, junto con los Estados Unidos, utilizaron ampliamente las armas químicas durante la guerra de Corea; todavía conservan armas químicas en sus bases militares.
It would be better for the South Koreans to keep their mouths shut, as they, together with the United States, extensively used chemical weapons during the Korean War; they still maintain chemical weapons on military bases.
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