Übersetzung für "completamente satisfecho" auf englisch
Completamente satisfecho
Sin embargo, Croacia no puede estar completamente satisfecha con lo que ha hecho hasta hoy el Tribunal de La Haya.
However, Croatia cannot be completely satisfied with the work of the Hague Tribunal to date.
Señor Presidente, es inevitable, y lo sabemos perfectamente, que un compromiso, en particular uno tan difícil como este, nunca dejará completamente satisfechos a todos.
Inevitably, Mr. President, a compromise, especially one as difficult as this, never completely satisfies everyone; we are well aware of this.
Por ello no estamos completamente satisfechos con la decisión.
Thus, we are not completely satisfied with the decision.
No obstante, muy pocos países parecen estar completamente satisfechos con los resultados que han dado las políticas y los programas aplicados en la esfera demográfica.
Nonetheless, very few countries appear completely satisfied with the results of their population policies and programme interventions.
En agosto de 1996, el PNUD dejó de emplear a sus principales consultores para el cambio, debido en parte a que no había estado completamente satisfecho con los resultados de la labor de esas personas.
148. UNDP ceased employing its main change consultants in August 1996, in part because UNDP had not been completely satisfied with the work of the individuals provided.
Casi los hemos conseguido, aunque todavía no estamos completamente satisfechos.
We are almost there, although we are yet not completely satisfied.
9. El Sr. SAMADI (República Islámica del Irán) dice que su delegación ha participado en las negociaciones y que, si bien no está completamente satisfecho con los resultados obtenidos, se ha sumado al consenso en el entendimiento de que las Potencias Administradoras cooperarán con el Comité Especial participando oficialmente en su trabajo y permitiendo que las misiones visitadoras de las Naciones Unidas evalúen la situación de los territorios.
9. Mr. SAMADI (Islamic Republic of Iran) said that his delegation had participated in the negotiations and that, although it was not completely satisfied with the outcome, it had joined the consensus on the understanding that the administering Powers would cooperate with the Special Committee by formally participating in its work and allowing United Nations visiting missions to review the situations in the Territories.
2. El Sr. STREULI (Suiza) señala a la atención el conjunto de recomendaciones del Coordinador sobre las minas distintas de las minas antipersonal formuladas tras las labores del Grupo de Expertos Gubernamentales y destaca que este documento es fruto de intensos debates en que han participado numerosos Estados Partes, que ha evolucionado y que aunque no haya tenido en definitiva el apoyo de todos los Estados Partes en la Convención, refleja un compromiso que Suiza, sin estar completamente satisfecha puesto que hubiera deseado que las minas distintas de las minas antipersonal fueran objeto de restricciones aún más estrictas, en particular en lo que respecta a su detectabilidad, está dispuesta a aceptar como base de una labor posterior más minuciosa.
2. Mr. STREULI (Switzerland), drawing attention to the set of recommendations on mines other than anti-personnel mines drawn up by the Coordinator on the issue following the work of the Group of Governmental Experts, pointed out that the document was the outcome of intensive discussions in which many States parties had actively participated, that it had evolved, and that, even though it had not ultimately received the support of all the States parties to the Convention, it reflected a compromise which Switzerland, while not completely satisfied, since it would have preferred still stricter restrictions on mines other than anti-personnel mines, particularly as regards their detectability, was ready to accept as a basis for further more detailed work.
Es poco probable que una delegación esté completamente satisfecha con este texto desde un punto de vista estrictamente nacional, pero todos debemos tener presente nuestra responsabilidad común de velar por que esta Conferencia reanude los trabajos por los que se creó.
While it is unlikely that any delegation will be completely satisfied with it from a strictly national point of view, we must all bear in mind our shared responsibility to ensure that this Conference begins again to do the work for which it was established.
Lo miré, pero no estaba completamente satisfecho.
I looked at it, but was not completely satisfied.
Después de todo ambos queremos estar completamente satisfechos.
After all we both want to be completely satisfied.
¿Piensas que estoy completamente satisfecho con Bo?
You think I'm completely satisfied with Bo?
Esperamos se vaya completamente satisfecho con el lugar
Hopefully you felt completely satisfied by your stay.
Charlie se había mostrado completamente satisfecho con su relato.
Charlie had been completely satisfied with his story.
Pero aún no estaba completamente satisfecho, quizá consigo mismo.
Yet he was not completely satisfied, and perhaps that was with himself.
Sin embargo, el capitán no estaba completamente satisfecho por las noticias que le habían dado.
However, the captain was not completely satisfied by the news they had given him.
quiero decir, que he visto... mirad, estoy completamente satisfecho.
“Once was quite—I mean, I’ve seen…look, I’m completely satisfied.
Me quedaré a tu lado hasta que estés completamente satisfecha de los resultados del cirujano Te lo prometo.
I'll stick by you until you are completely satisfied with the surgeon's results. I promise you that.
Oh, sí, aquellos pechos le llenarían la mano y lo dejarían completamente satisfecho.
Oh yeah, those would overfill his hands and leave him completely satisfied.
Seguro que escribe diez veces la misma frase antes de darse por completamente satisfecho.
“He must write some of those sentences ten times over before he’s completely satisfied.
Parecía completamente satisfecha con mi simple declaración de que había una chica, como si ella fuera capaz de añadir los detalles.
She seemed completely satisfied with my flat statement that there was a girl, as if she were quite capable of filling in the details.
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