Übersetzung für "whooping cough" auf spanisch
Whooping cough
Who will treat my whooping cough?
¿Quién tratará mi tos ferina?
Christ! She's got whooping cough!
Dios mío, eso es tos ferina.
Uh, measles, whooping cough, rubella.
Sarampión, tos ferina, rubeola.
- She didn't say whooping cough?
¿No dijo: "Tos ferina"?
Mumps, measles, whooping-cough.
Paperas, sarampión, tos ferina.
- Measles, whooping cough?
- ¿Sarampión, tos ferina?
- Loulou has whooping cough.
- Loulou tiene tos ferina.
Oh. Pertussis is whooping cough.
Oh. se usa para la tos ferina.
It sometimes occurs as a consequence of whooping cough.
—A veces se produce como consecuencia de la tos ferina.
'Let's hope the hiccup doesn't become whooping cough.'
—Esperemos que el hipo no degenere en tos ferina.
Moncho, just like a cousin of mine that died of whooping cough.
– Moncho, como un primo mío que murió de la tos ferina.
The whooping cough children she had sent home earlier.
Más temprano había enviado a su casa a los niños con tos ferina.
Brad had been having trouble reaching his wife, and when he did he found out that his niece had whooping cough and who gets whooping cough any more?
A Brad le había costado contactar con su mujer, y cuando dio con ella se enteró de que su sobrina tenía la tos ferina, ¿quién enfermaba todavía de tos ferina?
The child did not thrive, and after two years it died of a disease said to be whooping cough.
El niño no se desarrolló como es debido, y al cabo de dos años murió de una enfermedad que dijeron era la tos ferina.
one of the nurses said with a grin as she hurried off to take care of a child with whooping cough, and another with severe burns.
—exclamó una enfermera con una sonrisa mientras corría a atender a un niño con tos ferina.
A severe hiccup, it was true—more like whooping-cough—but both Graham and Ann believed that he would come through in the end.
Un hipo —más bien una tos ferina—, pero Graham y Ann creían que al final todo pasaría.
Well, and those children that died of scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and other diseases—how were they guilty?
Y en cuanto a los niños que han muerto de escarlatina, difteria, tos ferina y otras enfermedades, ¿en qué consistía su culpa?
the rest succumbed to Old World germs for which they had no antibodies: smallpox, measles, typhoid, and whooping cough.
el resto sucumbieron a unos gérmenes del Viejo Mundo contra los que no tenían anticuerpos: viruela, sarampión, tifus y tos ferina.
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