Übersetzung für "leafing through" auf spanisch
Leafing through
She was leafing through a book.
Estaba muy quieta hojeando un libro.
She continued leafing through the material.
Siguió hojeando el material.
He leafed through the investigative material.
Siguió hojeando el material de la investigación.
For a few moments the old man leafed through the book.
Pasó algunos instantes hojeando el libro.
He leafed through some of the magazines lying on a table.
Estaba hojeando algunas revistas que había encima de una mesa.
Helena was sitting on a sofa leafing through a magazine.
Helena estaba sentada en un sofá, hojeando una revista.
'Is that all it is, then?' said the Archchancellor, leafing through the book.
—¿Eso es todo lo que es, entonces? —dijo el Archicanciller, hojeando el libro—.
Mark Ukacierra went on leafing through the ledger.
Mark Ukacjerre continuaba hojeando el libro.
He was leafing through a diary. "Friday's clear.
El reverendo estaba hojeando una agenda. – El viernes lo tengo libre.
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