Sitting there on my sofa, fervently holding hands with Bonnie and with Mario's wife, I felt the presence of the Lord.
Sentado allí en el sofa, tomando la mano de Bonnie y de la mujer de Mario, sentí la presencia del Señor.
It was as if they were holding hands.
Era cual si estuviesen tomados de la mano.
They crossed the bridge, holding hands.
Cruzaron el puente, tomados de la mano.
Ellie and Nikki were holding hands.
Ellie y Nikki estaban tomadas de la mano.
He and Jane hurried on, holding hands.
Él y Jane se apresuraron, tomados de la mano.
Two fat people holding hands.
Dos personas gruesas tomadas de la mano.
They returned to the bedroom in the dark, holding hands.
Regresaron al dormitorio a oscuras, tomados de la mano.
Holding hands, hugging each other, you know.
Tomados de la mano, abracitos, ya sabes.
The path was too narrow for them to hold hands.
Como el camino era muy estrecho, no podían avanzar tomados de la mano.
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