Übersetzung für "from farm" auf spanisch
The Elders went from farm to farm – themselves!
Los Ancianos fueron de granja en granja… ¡ellos, en persona!
There was some money that did not come from farming.
Había algo de dinero que no procedía de la granja.
From Farm to Table by Edna Roden
De la granja a la mesa, de Edna Roden
“Tramps go from farm to farm looking to be hired for work. Not the Beresfords.”
Los vagabundos van de granja en granja a ver si los contratan para trabajar. Los Beresford, no.
Then he begins to wander through the district, from farm to farm and village to village.
Anda entonces errante por la comarca, va de granja en granja, de pueblo en pueblo.
People said that he started off going from farm to farm with his cart and that he couldn’t read or write.
Cuentan que, en sus comienzos, conducía un carricoche de granja en granja, y que no sabía leer ni escribir.
It is for all the people who go around from farm to farm begging for work because they haven't got food, they haven't got a roof over their heads.
Es para todos esos que van de granja en granja mendigando un trabajo porque no tienen comida, porque no tienen un techo.
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