Übersetzung für "consideringly" auf spanisch
The old man looked down at her consideringly, leaning his wide shoulders against the rounded clay and rubble wall of the chimney, the firelight mottling his robe ocher and rust.
El anciano la miró considerando su pregunta, con la espalda apoyada en el repecho de la chimenea.
The erk's vibrissae drooped consideringly as he gazed at Jupiter.
Los vibrilos del erk se inclinaron pensativamente mientras contemplaba a Júpiter.
After the inquest.” He looked at me consideringly, then he patted me on the shoulder.
—Me miró pensativamente y después me palmeó el hombro—.
Deep blue eyes looked at me consideringly. “You’re very light,” he said.
Sus ojos azules me miraban pensativamente. —Eres muy ligera —dijo—.
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