Перевод для "pleuraient" на английский
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Par exemple, sa femme a reçu des insultes lorsqu'elle a essayé de donner des chaussures à son mari avant qu'il soit emmené au commissariat, et ses enfants pleuraient en voyant leur père tabassé.
For example, his wife was insulted when she tried to give her husband his shoes before being taken to the police station, and his children were crying at the sight of their father being beaten.
Mes cuisses pleuraient.
My thighs are crying.
D'autres pleuraient.
And people crying.
Ils pleuraient tous.
They were all crying
Mes enfants pleuraient.
My children were crying.
Des gens pleuraient.
Some people were crying.
- Mais ils pleuraient.
- They were crying.
Ces garçons pleuraient.
Those boys were crying.
Les gens pleuraient.
[sighs] Yeah, I made people cry.
Tandis que d'autres pleuraient la partition sanglante de l'Inde.
While others were mourning India's bloody partition.
Ces soldats pleuraient la mort d'un des leurs.
Those were soldiers mourning one of their own.
Pendant que d'autres pleuraient Lucky, j'ai compris que son décès intempestif me permettait de le remplacer par une chose qui correspondait mieux à mes attentes.
While others mourned Lucky I realized his untimely demise provided me with the opportunity to replace him with something more suited to my pet needs.
ils pleuraient, ils étaient en deuil,
"weeping and mourning,"
Il y avait très peu de personnes présentes et ceux qui étaient là ne pleuraient pas.
The crowd was very sparse and there was virtually no mourning.
On dit qu'ils pleuraient quand tu es partie.
I heard they were weeping in the halls when you left.
"Lazare était dans son tombeau, "et les sœurs pleuraient.
Lazarus was in his tomb, and the sisters were weeping.
J'observais les Tupinambás. Ils pleuraient beaucoup la mort des parents et des amis.
I kept watching the Tupinambás who... used to weep copiously when a relative or a friend died.
Je lui portai l'agnelle noire et, tandis que ses compagnons pleuraient, il aperçut un vol d'hirondelles sur le toit et me dit : "Elles s'en vont, elles aussi.
I brought him the black lamb and, while his companions were weeping, he noticed a flight of swallows over the roof and said: "They're going away too.
On était dans les camions Les femmes pleuraient.
We were sitting in trucks, women were weeping all around.
Ils pleuraient, priaient, faisaient leurs adieux à ceux qu'ils aimaient, puis se jetaient, sans crainte ni hésitation, face à la mort elle-même.
They would weep... they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones... then throw themselves... without fear or hesitation... at the very face of death itself.
Des vieilles femmes qui pleuraient.
Lot of weeping old ladies.
Mon diplôme étincelant sous le soleil de l'après-midi... avec toutes les étudiantes qui pleuraient " Ne pars pas".
My key was glistening in the afternoon sun... - with all those coeds weeping, "Don´t go." - Oh!
Mais quand elle était vivante, vos enfants pleuraient à cause de vous.
When she was alive, your kids were sobbing about you.
Les enfants pleuraient appelant les mères, elles leurs maris,
Children sobbed, calling their mothers and they, their husbands.
Ils pleuraient et se lamentaient.
They cried, and they wailed.
Elles suppliaient, elles pleuraient, elles marchandaient, et ça ne changeait rien. Parce qu'elles n'étaient rien.
They begged, they cried, they bargained, and it didn't matter because they didn't matter.
J'ai égorgé des hommes pendant qu'ils pleuraient. Ils m'ont même supplié, mais ça n'a pas marché.
I'll have you know I have slit men's throats while they have wept, begging my forbearance, and slept soundly that very night.
- Les deux? Tu étais si laid que mes yeux pleuraient.
Well, you were so ugly, you made my eyes water.
Mes yeux pleuraient. Je voyais mal la cible.
My eyes were watering, I could barely see the target.
J'avais les yeux qui pleuraient.
My eyes started watering.
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