Перевод для "collodion" на английский
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À l'époque, il n'avait que de la colle, du coton et du collodion, mais on procédait déjà au vieillissement forcé en tirant la peau du visage.
Back in those days they only had spirit gum, cotton, collodion, stuff like that, but something we even do today is called an old-age stipple, where you actually stretch the person's skin.
USS SAUGUS ARSENAL MARITIME DE WASHINGTON Alexander Gardner et Timothy O'Sullivan montent à bord des cuirassés USS Saugus et Montauk pour faire des photographies au collodion sur plaque de verre des hommes qui ont juré d'enlever puis de tuer Abraham Lincoln.
Alexander Gardner and Timothy O'Sullivan board the ironclad monitors USSSaugus and Montauk to make collodion glass plate photographs of the men who conspired first to kidnap and then to kill Abraham Lincoln.
Benjoin, phényle, collodion.
Benzene, phenol, collodion.
Il a dû badigeonner Karloff de colle, le recouvrir de coton - égyptien, je crois, car il est plus fin - remettre une couche de colle ou de collodion, et le sécher.
And I'm sure what he did is paint a layer of spirit gum on Karloff, stick some cotton on - and I understand he used Egyptian cotton, I think just because it was finer cotton - glued that on, painted over it with either more spirit gum or collodion, and dried it.
Collodion Collective souhaite te rencontrer
Collodion Collective wants to meet with you.
Avec tout ce collodion autour des yeux, il a dû pleurer pendant toute l'opération.
Having this collodion and stuff around your eyes, he must have teared up through this whole process.
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