Перевод для "interminabile" на английский
Примеры перевода
5SETTIMANEDOPO E' interminabile!
This is endless!
E' una confessione interminabile.
This is one endless confession.
Era proprio interminabile.
It was just endless.
Non finiva più, interminabile.
Lt was very long, endless.
La fila era interminabile.
The line was endless.
- Le giornate interminabili.
The endless days.
La messa era interminabile.
That service was endless.
Ok, e' stato interminabile.
Okay, that was interminable.
L'attesa e' stata interminabile.
Anticipation has been interminable.
E l'inverno interminabile ha fine.
And the interminable ends.
E adesso ci tocca un'attesa interminabile.
Now for an interminably long wait.
Forse da tempo interminabile.
Sometimes it seems interminable.
Un interminabile lamento di dolore.
An interminable wail of grief.
Preparati a una crudele e interminabile tortura.
Prepare yourself for cruel and interminable torture.
# E nel pulpito, mentre parlava di sciocchezze interminabili...
- And in pulpit, talking interminable nonsense...
Quarantasette interminabili giorni di pioggia quasi ininterrotta.
Forty-seven interminable days of near-constant rain.
Eccetto che per le chiacchiere interminabili di Stan Smith.
Except for Stan Smith's interminable yammering.
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