Перевод для "alimentava" на английский
Примеры перевода
Si alimentava del mio corpo, della mia essenza, dei miei pensieri.
It was actually feeding off my essence, my thoughts.
Si, in realtà mi sentivo come uno di loro che si alimentava, ma posso sopportarlo
Yes. I actually felt one of them feed, but I can handle it.
Li alimentava a forza con acqua e zucchero?
Force-feeding them sugar water?
Se si alimentava di altri vampiri, gli bastano un paio di settimane per ridursi in questo stato.
He's feeding off other vamps. Only takes a couple of weeks to get this messed up.
Dimmi, come alimentavi queste cose?
Tell me, what have you been feeding these things?
Li teneva in vita, li alimentava via endovenosa.
He was keeping them alive. He was feeding them intravenously.
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