Перевод для "toser" на английский
Примеры перевода
50. En Australia "a las mujeres se les obliga después de cada visita de familiares o abogados a desnudarse y a ponerse en cuclillas y toser para someterlas a un cacheo completo.
50. In Australia, "women are subjected to a full `cough and squat' strip search after every family and legal visit.
Asimismo, lo obligaron a desnudarse, agacharse y toser.
In addition to the ill-treatment, he was also undressed, forced to crouch and cough.
Nuestra advertencia, sin embargo, también puede expresarse con un proverbio africano que dice que si la persona con quien compartimos cama decide comer insectos crudos y no le avisamos, cuando empiece a toser sin parar toda la noche, tal vez no durmamos bien.
But our caution is also expressed in an African proverb that says that if your bedmate, the person you sleep with, decides to eat raw insects, and you do not warn him or her, when he or she begins to cough incessantly -- non-stop -- at night, you might not have a nice rest.
La gripe se transmite de persona a persona por las gotitas o el líquido pulverizado procedente de secreciones respiratorias infecciosas que se liberan al toser y estornudar.
Influenza is spread from person to person through mists or sprays of infectious respiratory secretions released through coughing and sneezing.
Del 6 al 12 de diciembre de 1988 hubo de recibir tratamiento en el hospital penitenciario de Jilava, se dice que por toser y escupir sangre y por otras heridas sufridas durante la investigación.
From 6 to 12 December 1988 he had to be treated in the Jilava prison hospital, reportedly for coughing and spitting blood and other injuries sustained during the investigation.
Los soldados de la Junta de Estado que llegaron a la aldea le patearon la espalda hasta que comenzó a toser sangre y lo arrestaron.
SLORC soldiers coming to the village thereupon kicked him in the back with army boots until he coughed blood, and arrested him.
Vas a toser.
You'll cough.
Empecé a toser
I started coughing
- Ay, debería toser.
I should cough.
- "Empieza a toser."
- "She starts coughing.
Me hace toser.
Make me cough.
Toser y escupir.
Cough and spit.
Toser es bueno.
Coughing's good.
Acabo de toser.
I just coughed.
Empiezas a toser.
You start coughing.
Intente toser ahora.
Try coughing now.
Eso hizo que Shakespeare volviera a toser, a toser y a dudar.
That made Shakespeare cough again, cough and hesitate.
Y después se ponía a toser y toser y parecía que la tos no cesaba nunca.
And then he would cough and the coughing never stopped.
Estaba a punto de toser.
He was going to cough.
Algo comenzó a toser.
Something started to cough.
Y sobre todo no debes toser.
And you mustn't cough.'
Intentaba no toser.
I tried not to cough.
¡No volvió a toser!
Never coughed again!
– Se detuvo para toser-.
He pauses to cough.
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