Перевод для "timorense" на английский
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Nuestro propósito es fortalecer la unidad entre las organizaciones políticas y sociales timorenses y entre los propios timorenses.
Our aim is to reinforce the unity of the Timorese political and social organizations and of Timorese.
No les pidieron a los timorenses que se dispersaran.
They did not ask the Timorese to disperse.
Como timorense oriental de nacionalidad indonesia que vive entre timorenses orientales, merece el galardón.
As an East Timorese with Indonesian nationality living among East Timorese people it is deserved.
Los indonesios se están apoderando de tierras timorenses, el ejército indonesio “expropia” en forma periódica posesiones timorenses, los indonesios han asumido ahora el control de todos los recursos de Timor Oriental, los idiomas timorenses están prohibidos, se está socavando y escarneciendo la cultura timorense, se está fracturando a las familias timorenses y se las está despojando de sus posesiones, e incluso se están imponiendo sacerdotes indonesios a la Iglesia timorense.
Indonesians are taking over Timorese land; Timorese possessions are regularly "expropriated" by the Indonesian army; Indonesians have now taken control of all of East Timor's resources; Timorese languages are banned; Timorese culture is being undermined and derided; Timorese families and communities are broken up and dispossessed; and even the Timorese church is having Indonesian priests foisted upon it.
La conclusión que se obtiene de la reunión timorense en Austria es que no existe apoyo timorense para la intervención extranjera directa en Timor Oriental, pero que existe consenso de que los timorenses son hijos de la misma familiar ancestral.
The conclusion to be drawn after the Timorese meeting in Austria is that the expected Timorese support for direct foreign intervention in East Timor is not forthcoming, but a consensus exists that the East Timorese are primarily very concerned sons of the same ancestral family.
El Presidente habría exhortado a que se desplegaran mayores esfuerzos para eliminar las sospechas de los timorenses orientales, en particular respecto de los no timorenses orientales.
The President reportedly called for greater efforts to eliminate the prevailing suspicions which East Timorese harboured, particularly regarding non-East Timorese.
Las autoridades timorenses están investigando el incidente.
The incident is being investigated by the Timorese authorities.
Es un símbolo de la resistencia timorense.
He is a symbol for the East Timorese resistance.
Unos 680.000 timorenses no tienen electricidad;
Some 680,000 Timorese do not have electricity;
Son de Ios batallones timorenses o mezclados, timorenses y javaneses.
They're from battalions composed of Timorese or of Timorese and Javanese people.
Y, como ya lo esperaban los tímorenses, las mílícías dejaron su marca de despedída.
As the Timorese people had expected, the militia decided to strike their last blow.
La mísíón cuenta con alrededor de 2.000 tímorenses y 800 funcíonaríos ínternacíonales.
Approximately 2000 Timorese and 800 international workers participate in the mission.
Digo"finalmente" porque los austronesios son Ia base fundamental del pueblo timorense.
When I say "finally", I mean the Austronesians are the foundation of the Timorese people.
Los timorenses huyeron en miles hacia la selva.
So the Timorese were fleeing into the jungles by their thousands.
La gran pasíón de los tímorenses es el gallo.
The Timorese people's greatest passion is:
Los timorenses sabían que esto iba a suceder. Cuando votaron, Io sabían.
The Timorese people knew that was going to happen when they voted.
En portugal, causó una fuerte impresión oír a Ia gente timorense rezando en portugués.
In portugal, a very strong effect was felt when they heard the Timorese people praying in Portuguese.
¿Lograrán los tímorenses, con todo su ídealísmo, vencer este nuevo desafío?
Will the Timorese, with all their idealism, meet all those challenges
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