Перевод для "temblaba" на английский
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¿Le temblaba la voz?
Did his voice tremble?
¡Toda la casa temblaba!
All the house was trembling!
Temblaba al hablar.
He trembled when he spoke:
Yo también temblaba.
Yet, I trembled.
-temblaba como una mujer.
-He trembled like a woman.
"El pavimento temblaba"
The pavement trembled.
Temblaba como una hoja.
He trembled like a leaf.
Su mano apenas temblaba, pero temblaba.
His hand was barely trembling, but it was trembling.
No le temblaba, ¿o sí?
It wasn’t trembling, was it?
El hombre temblaba—.
The man was trembling.
Temblaba visiblemente.
It was visibly trembling.
Temblaba horriblemente.
Trembling horribly.
El esclavo temblaba.
The slave trembled.
El colombiano temblaba.
The Colombian was trembling.
Granville temblaba.
Granville trembled.
La llanura temblaba.
The plain trembled.
Se informó de que la situación era particularmente difícil para los adolescentes; se pudo observar con claridad que un niño entrevistado temblaba mientras describía el bombardeo ocurrido hacía una semana.
Adolescent children were reported to be finding the situation particularly difficult - one child interviewed was visibly shaking as he described bombing which had taken place some weeks before.
Parecía un loco, temblaba.
He was insane, shaking.
Temblaba de miedo.
Shaking with fear.
íYo temblaba tanto!
I was shaking so much.
Todo su cuerpo temblaba.
Her whole body shaking.
Me temblaba la mano.
My hand was shaking.
Temblaba como gelatina.
Shaking like a leaf.
La tierra temblaba.
The ground was shaking.
Y él temblaba...
And he was shaking.
- Temblaba, apretaba los dientes.
- Shaking, clenching her jaw.
El círculo temblaba.
The circle was shaking.
El capitán temblaba.
The Captain was shaking.
Temblaba, tiritaba;
Shivering, shaking;
Temblaba el remolque.
The trailer was shaking.
Estaba blanco y temblaba.
He was white and shaking.
Temblaba de rabia-.
she was shaking with rage.
Le temblaba la cabeza.
Her head was shaking.
Y él temblaba por dentro.
And he was shaking inside.
Temblaba, desorientado.
He was shaking, disorientated.
Temblaba constantemente y su equilibrio al moverse era precario.
He constantly shivered and his movement was unbalanced.
En la celda para hombres del puesto de la policía judicial de Bamenda, el Relator Especial pudo observar que no había vidrios en las puertas y ventanas y que, sin duda, debía hacer frío durante la noche; un preso llegado hace poco, que temblaba de frío, se quejó de haber pasado frío las noches anteriores.
In the men's cell at the Bamenda criminal investigation service unit, the Special Rapporteur noted that the windows had no glass; a shivering prisoner who had arrived recently complained of the cold during the recent nights.
Temblaba en sueños.
I was shivering in my sleep.
-¿Cómo sabía él que temblabas?
- How does he know you shiver?
Temblaba del frío.
I shivered from the cold.
Antes temblaba de frío.
She was shivering with coldness.
Sólo temblaba un poquito.
I have just shivered for a while
Un pulpo temblaba en mi estómago.
...octopus in my entrails shivered.
Me temblaba todo el cuerpo.
My whole body was shivering.
Temblaba sin parar.
And he kept shivering without pause.
Estaba congelado, temblaba sin control...
I'd be freezing, shivering uncontrollably...
Ballyutogue temblaba.
Ballyutogue shivered.
Estaba empapado y temblaba.
It was soaked and shivering.
Temblaba de angustia.
He was shivering with anxiety.
Temblaba violentamente.
I was shivering violently.
Estaba sudoroso y temblaba.
He was sweaty and shivering.
Yo gritaba y temblaba.
I cried and shivered.
Temblaba levemente.
He was shivering a little.
Temblaba descontroladamente.
He was shivering uncontrollably.
El primer emperador de China descendió en un dragón incandescente, con humo y fuego, y cada vez que el dragón aparecía, la tierra temblaba y todos tenían miedo y - y se lanzaban al suelo.
Thefirstemperor of China descended in a fiery dragon, with smoke and fire, and whenever that dragon appeared, the earth was quaking and everyone was afraid and-and threw themselves to the ground.
Incluso diría que temblaba como un animal.
I would go as far as to say quaking like an animal.
Cuando el trueno estallaba o la tierra temblaba no era porque algo que hiciste hubiera ofendido de alguna manera a los muy exigentes dioses. No.
When the thunder clapped or the earth quaked, it was not because something you did had somehow displeased the very demanding gods.
Y noté como la tierra temblaba a mi alrededor, y no supe que decir.
And I could feel like the earth quaking all around me, and I didn't know what to say.
El gran salón temblaba.
The room was quaking.
A Hood le temblaba la voz.
Hood's voice was quaking.
Por dentro, Cordon temblaba.
inside Cordon quaked.
—Clint temblaba interiormente.
asked Clint, inwardly quaking.
¡Cómo le temblaba el corazón!
How his heart quaked.
A Toro Hambriento le temblaba el corazón.
             Hungry Bull's heart quaked.
—Hizo una pausa, mientras yo temblaba—.
He paused, while I quaked.
El autocarro temblaba y descendía sin control.
The autocoach quaked as it skipped out of control down the slope.
Por dentro estaba aterrada. La voz le temblaba—.
She was literally quaking inside. Her voice wavered.
—Sí —su voz temblaba—;
Her voice was quavering.
—La voz de Amanda temblaba.
Amanda's voice quavered.
—la voz de Rosas temblaba.
Rosas' voice quavered.
A Clare le temblaba un poco la voz.
There was a small quaver in Clare’s voice.
—Su voz temblaba de miedo.
His voice quavered with fear.
—¿Por qué no? —La voz de Vinnie temblaba—.
"Why not?" Vinnie's voice quavered.
La voz del joven temblaba-.
The young man’s voice was quavering.
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