Перевод для "suspenderlos" на английский
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¿No puedes limitarte a suspenderlos?
Can't you simply suspend them?
Por otra parte, seguramente la decisión de suspenderlas era mejor.
On the other hand, it was probably better that he had suspended them.
—Supongo que podría colocar una viga de acero y suspenderlas —prosiguió Gary, como si no existiera ninguna conversación telefónica. —Bueno.
"I suppose I could put up an RSJ and suspend them," Gary started up again, as if the phone conversation were not going on. "Well.
No tenemos derecho a suspenderla frente a nuestros hijos.
We do not have the right to suspend it in the face of our children.
Se convocó incluso una conferencia diplomática, pero hubo que suspenderla por falta de acuerdo.
A diplomatic conference had even been convened, but had had to be suspended for lack of agreement.
Régimen de control de las fusiones con facultades para suspenderlas
Merger regime - with power to suspend
En consecuencia, la Cruz Roja, que presidía la reunión, decidió suspenderla.
ICRC, which chaired the session, thereupon suspended the meeting.
Se trata, por tanto, de anular el procedimiento de extradición del Sr. Ktiti y no de suspenderlo.
The decision called for the extradition order against Mr. Ktiti to be rescinded, not suspended.
Por consiguiente, el tribunal dictaminó que la decisión de suspenderlo carecía de base.
The Court thus found, that the decision to suspend her was not well-founded.
El director es responsable ante el Gobierno, que tiene la potestad de suspenderlo de su cargo.
The director is accountable to the Government, which has the power to suspend him from office.
- ¿Quiere considerar suspenderla?
- Quiere to consider to suspend it?
Amenazaron con suspenderlo.
They threatened to suspend him.
Están buscando suspenderlo.
They're lookin' to suspend him.
Tendré que suspenderlo ahora.
I'll have to suspend him now.
- Pueden suspenderla por esto.
- You can get suspended.
Teniente, podrían suspenderle.
- Lieutenant, you could be suspended.
- Vamos a suspenderle con paga.
- We were gonna suspend him...
Acaban de suspenderla.
She got suspended.
¿En realidad pueden suspenderla?
- Can they really suspend her?
El capitán le dio instrucciones de suspenderla.
The captain instructed him to suspend it.
O'Toole no tenía autoridad para suspenderle de sus funciones.
O’Toole didn’t have the authority to suspend him.
Comisario, no puede despedir al capitán ni suspenderlo.
Commissioner, your Captain can't be fired – or suspended.
—¿Y si no fuera el Director Hu el que quería suspenderles la licencia de explotación?
What if it wasn't Hu who wanted your license suspended?
Quiero suspenderlo ahora que está intacto para recuperarlo intacto.
I want to put it in suspended animation so that it will still be intact when I come back to it.
Suspenderla en el aire proporcionaría a todo el mundo la oportunidad de ver desenmarañarse sus tripas.
Suspending her high in the air would give everyone a chance to see her insides unraveling;
Estoy esperando una orden de Coruscant pero, hasta que envíen una, no tengo otra opción que suspenderlo de sus labores.
“I’m waiting for a ruling from Coruscant, but until they send one I have no choice but to suspend you from duty.”
Pueden suspenderle sin sueldo y hacerle pasar por una evaluación psíquica, eso sería lo peor.
They can suspend him without pay and make him take a psych evaluation, that’s probably worst case.
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