Перевод для "sugerentemente" на английский
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Sugerentemente estaba inconsciente antes de caer por la ventana.
Suggesting he was unconscious before he went out the window.
Miró hacia ella y sonrió sugerentemente.
He glanced toward her and smiled suggestively.
Ni pobre ni sugerentemente, pero tampoco de forma infantil.
Not cheaply and suggestively, but not childishly, either.
Había un conserje cerrando las ventanas, muy firme y sugerentemente.
A janitor was closing the windows, very firmly and suggestively.
El jorobado asintió y agito sugerentemente su cuenco.
The hunchback nodded and shook his bowl suggestively.
—Estás contento de verme —balbuceo medio dormida, y me retuerzo sugerentemente contra él.
“You’re pleased to see me,” I mumble sleepily, squirming suggestively against him.
Por entonces yo me encuentro lo suficientemente borracho para acercarme a Rachel y sonreírle sugerentemente.
By this time I am comfortably drunk enough to lean forward and smile suggestively at Rachel.
Oswald, gente vinculada a Jack Ruby, todas conveniente y sugerentemente muertas.
Oswald, people linked to Jack Ruby, all conveniently and suggestively dead.
—Llevaba pintalabios Pink Palace de Avon y sostenía su patata sugerentemente cerca de la boca.
She wore Avon Pink Palace lipstick and held the potato suggestively near her mouth.
Y en torno a Marianne se había congregado una pandilla de seis gatos de corral que maullaban y arañaban el suelo sugerentemente.
And a gang of six barn cats was gathering around Marianne, mewing and suggestively kneading the ground.
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