Перевод для "secularizando" на английский
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Antes había miles, pero en el último cuarto de siglo, a pesar de algunos levantamientos, se han ido extinguiendo, las misiones se han ido secularizando y los indios se han volatilizado: la mayoría han muerto.
Used to be there were thousands but over the past quarter of a century, despite a few uprisings, they died, the Missions were secularized, the Indians were let go, and they just vanished, mostly to death.
En cuanto a los jóvenes, sumisos al fin y al cabo, accedían a casarse aunque, para preservar su dignidad —y quizá también la ilusión de que no se casaban del todo—, imponían que las bodas tuviesen lugar en remotas ermitas y que fuesen oficiadas por curas tan despistados como ellos, que tampoco querían ser curas del todo y que se irían secularizando, y obviaban la parafernalia a la que, por cierto, las nuevas generaciones parecen ser proclives.
As far as the young people of the time were concerned, they were obedient when it came down to it, although in order to protect their dignity—and, to an extent, the illusion that they weren’t getting married completely—they would insist on getting married in shrines on far-off hilltops and on the officiators being absentminded priests, priests who didn’t completely want to be priests and who, later on, became more and more secular, priests who helped them dispense with the paraphernalia that today’s young people seem to love.
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