Перевод для "sangraba" на английский
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Sangraba profusamente de un oído, los ojos y la nariz.
He was bleeding profusely from his ear, eyes and nose.
Se sentía mareada cuando llegó, sangraba más de lo habitual en estos casos y se encontraba en un estado de conmoción emocional.
She felt dizzy upon arrival, was bleeding more heavily than average and was in a state of shock.
Cuando volvió al aeropuerto, sangraba por la cabeza.
When he returned to the airport, he was bleeding from the head.
El autor sangraba por la ceja, la nariz y los oídos.
His eyebrow area, nose and ears were all bleeding.
Tras girar el cuerpo y esposarla, a pesar de que sangraba por la nariz, la autora fue arrastrada hasta un furgón policial.
She was rolled over and handcuffed despite her bleeding nose and dragged to a van.
Al día siguiente de un ataque, se encontró a un hombre casi inconsciente y que sangraba por los oídos.
One man was found the day after one attack, nearly unconscious and bleeding from the ears.
También sangraba uno de los guardias de seguridad que estaba sentado a mi lado.
One of the security personnel who sat next to me was also bleeding.
El Dr. Chongwe tenía una herida en la mejilla y sangraba profusamente.
Dr Chongwe had been hit on the cheek and was bleeding profusely.
Aunque las heridas parecían importantes, todavía respiraba y no sangraba profusamente.
Although the injuries appeared to be extensive, he was still breathing and not bleeding heavily.
Él también sangraba.
He was also bleeding.
Ella sangraba internamente.
She was bleeding internally.
Su cabeza -- sangraba.
His head... bleeding.
Papá sangraba mucho.
Dad was completely bleeding.
Su brazo sangraba.
Your arm was bleeding.
Su boca sangraba.
Her mouth was bleeding.
Entonces, ¿todavía sangraba?
So he's still bleeding?
Sangraba su culo?
Was your asshole bleeding?
¿Por qué sangraba?
Why is he bleeding?
Sangraba, pero no mucho.
He was bleeding but not heavily.
Ella también sangraba.
she was bleeding, too;
Comprobó que no sangraba.
She was not bleeding.
Estaba arañado y sangraba.
It was scraped and bleeding.
Sangraba y aguardaba.
Bleeding and waiting.
La piel no sangraba.
The skin was not bleeding.
Sangraba, pero no excesivamente.
It was bleeding, but not excessively.
A las 8.50 horas, vio al Sr. Sparman, que estaba de pie en la sección Este del patio de la prisión y sangraba debajo de un ojo.
At 8.50 a.m., he saw Mr. Sparman standing in the east of the prison yard, with blood running from under one of his eyes.
Recuerda que sangraba por la nariz y por la boca, y que permaneció inconsciente hasta que despertó en un vehículo que le llevaba al hospital público de Kingston.
He claims that he remembers blood running through his nose and mouth, and that he remained unconscious until he woke up in a vehicle on its way to the Kingston Public Hospital.
Éste se encontraba en un lamentable estado físico, incapaz de caminar y de comer, y su oreja derecha estaba hinchada y sangraba.
His son was in poor physical condition, unable to walk and eat, his right ear swollen and oozing blood.
Se vio que sangraba de la boca y de pronto se quedó inerte.
It was noticed that blood discharged from his mouth and his body went limp.
Esa parte del cuerpo sangraba constantemente." Testimonio rendido ante la Relatora Especial durante su misión en la República de Corea y el Japón en 1995.
My private parts were oozing with blood.” Testimony given to the Special Rapporteur during her mission to the Republic of Korea and Japan in 1995.
Después de dos meses de ese tratamiento el autor sangraba al orinar y cayó tan gravemente enfermo que lo dejaron en libertad.
After two months of this treatment, the complainant had blood in his urine and was so seriously ill that he was released.
Uno me ponía un fósforo en los genitales hasta que le obedecía, con lo que toda esa parte del cuerpo me sangraba.
One held a matchstick to my private parts until I obeyed him. My private parts were oozing with blood.
Sangraba a chorros.
There was all blood up here.
Le sangraba mucho la nariz.
His nose was gushing blood.
Sangraba por todos lados.
She was pouring blood all over.
Se me puso enorme, sangraba.
Fucking big fat lip with blood dripping down it.
Le sangraba la oreja.
There was blood in his ear.
Dice que sangraba por la boca.
She says blood came out of her mouth.
Bueno, sangraba sangre.
Well, he bled... blood.
Sangraba sin parar.
Blood was pouring out of him.
Sangraba por todas partes y no respiraba.
Blood everywhere and she weren't breathing.
El labio le sangraba.
Blood welled on his lip.
Me sangraba mucho el labio.
My lip was gushing blood.
Le sangraba la nariz.
Blood poured from his nose.
Le sangraba la barbilla—.
Blood dripped from his chin.
Sangraba por la nariz.
Blood was coming out of his nose.
Arturo sangraba por la cintura.
There was blood at Arthur’s waist.
Sangraba por la cintura.
Blood was now seeping from his waist.
Mijaíl también sangraba.
Mikhail added his own blood to them.
El Lyceum sangraba dinero y la presión resultaba casi insoportable.
The Lyceum was hemorrhaging money, and the pressure was almost too much to bear.
De vez en cuando sangraba por la boca, e independientemente de lo que ella hiciera para atajar la dolencia, la dura realidad era que como mucho viviría un año más.
Occasionally he hemorrhaged from the mouth, and no matter what she did for the complaint, the plain fact was that he had perhaps a year to live.
Disculpándome, me encaminé al aseo de caballeros para quitarme el desagradable kleenex, y tras comprobar que ya no sangraba me lavé la cara y regresé al salón comedor.
Excusing myself, I went to the men’s room to remove the ghastly Kleenex; then, having satisfied myself that I was no longer hemorrhaging, I washed my face and returned to the main salon.
Vi una persona cuyo cuerpo, que sangraba profusamente, era arrastrado por el piso, y pequeños ojos de búho que buscaban con la mirada carne podrida. No hice más que cambiar de posición y Lucy no me llamó.
I saw a hemorrhaging woman dragged across the floor, and small owl eyes staring out of rotting flesh. I shifted positions continually. Lucy did not call.
El oficial al mando los había enviado a detener el flujo de desertores que sangraba por las filas de retaguardia.
The Imperial commander had sent them to staunch the flow of deserters haemorrhaging from the back files.
Debió de ser su agonía, el cuerpo que estallaba y sangraba por todas partes mientras se plegaba y se doblaba sobre sí mismo al salir del agua.
It must have been in agony, its body bursting and haemorrhaging in the air, folding over and bending double as it came out of the water wall.
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