Перевод для "rechazarla" на английский
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¿Cómo podía yo rechazarla?
How could I reject her?
¿Merrick iba a rechazarla también?
Would Merrick reject her, as well?
Sabía que Ursula empezaba a rechazarla.
She knew that Ursula was beginning to reject her.
Lucas podía aceptar sus opiniones o rechazarlas.
Lucas could either accept or reject her opinions.
Tal vez el no querer rechazarla tuviese algo que ver, pero no mucho.
Maybe not wanting to reject her had something to do with it, but not much.
Sin embargo, no podía aceptar el que Ross fuera a rechazarla totalmente.
And yet she could not conceive that he would reject her absolutely.
Al terrorismo hay que rechazarlo bajo cualquier circunstancia.
Terrorism must be rejected under any circumstances.
86A Obligación del comprador que ha recibido las mercaderías y tiene la intención de rechazarlas
86 Duty of buyer who has received goods and intends to reject
El Sudán carecía de fundamento para rechazarla.
Sudan had no basis for rejecting it.
La tragedia del Líbano es inaceptable, y la comunidad internacional debe rechazarla.
The tragedy in Lebanon was unacceptable, and must be rejected by the international community.
Lamentablemente, el Estado parte al que se dirige la recomendación puede rechazarla.
Unfortunately, the Member State to whom the recommendation was addressed was free to reject it.
Me gustaría rechazarla.
I would like to reject it.
Acabamos de rechazarlo.
We already rejected that.
Está intentando rechazarlo.
It's trying to reject it.
Los nobles podrían rechazarlo.
The nobles may reject it.
Pueden aceptarlo o rechazarlo.
You can accept or reject.
¿Por qué debería rechazarla?
Why should I reject it?
Ella vuelve a rechazarlo
She rejects his proposal again.
Volvieron a rechazarlo.
It was rejected again.
Tendría que rechazarla.
You just have to reject it.
Tenía que rechazarlo.
She had to reject him.
¿Cómo podemos rechazarlo?
How can we reject it?
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