Перевод для "pulirlos" на английский
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Para quitar la sangre de las teclas de un piano hay que pulirlas con polvos de talco o leche en polvo.
To get blood off of piano keys, polish them with talcum powder or powdered milk.
Me había equivocado, Bury; no hay polvo suficiente para amalgamar tantas rocas, ni para pulirlas.
I was wrong, Bury; there’s not enough dust to capture so many rocks, or to polish them either.
Había encontrado al hombre que comprendía mis imperfecciones… y no trataba de pulirlas.
I’d found the one man on earth who would appreciate my spots of imperfection…and who wouldn’t try to polish them all away.
Ya le he oído esas mismas respuestas simplemente tengo que pulirlas aquí y allá entrenarlo.
I already know all his answers I simply have to polish them here and there to put him through his paces once again.
Para ese fin gastaba muy poco papel: escribía a mano en cuadernos cuadriculados de escolar. Tenía varios llenos de poemas inacabados y un par de libretas de lujo con tapas de cuero donde copiaba sus mejores versos con la idea de pulirlos en el futuro, pero ese futuro nunca llegaba;
To do this he used very little paper, writing by hand in school exercise books, which he filled with poems he later abandoned, and a couple of luxury, leather-bound notebooks where he copied out his best verses with the idea of polishing them to perfection in the future.
Es como lo de José María, cuando sale Charo con que dijo antes de matarle que no era la primera vez que un justo moría por los demás, ganas de hablar, que a saber qué dijo José María si es que dijo algo, que estaría muerto de miedo y rezando el Señormíojesucristo, como todos en ese trance, natural. La gente de la cáscara amarga, por la cuenta que le tiene, es muy aficionada a sacar frases y a pulirlas como a los dorados, que hay quien se alimenta de frases como yo digo, qué aburrimiento. Hay que ver la guerra que te dan a ti las palabras, cariño, que lo que dice Valen, a fuerza de darlas vueltas en la cabeza ya no sabes dónde pones los pies, que luego queréis arreglar el mundo y no sabéis de la misa, la media, que éste es el chiste, y os creéis que lo sabéis todo.
It’s like the thing about José María, when Charo comes out and says that before they killed him he said it wasn’t the first time a just man was dying for others, that’s just talk, who knows what José María said if he said anything, that is, he was probably half dead of fright and praying My Lord Jesus Christ, like everybody in that kind of a fix, naturally. People on the wrong side of the street, because it’s to their advantage, are awfully fond of coming out with phrases and polishing them like brass doorknobs, there are people who feed on phrases, like I say, what a bore, words certainly give you a lot of trouble, sweetheart, what Valen says is, by turning them over in your brain so many times you don’t know where to put your feet, and then all of you want to set the world to rights and you don’t know a single thing, that’s the joke of it, and you think that you know it all.
No nos reunimos hoy para reciclar viejas resoluciones después de pulirlas y darles brillo.
We are not meeting today to recycle old resolutions after they have been polished and shined.
No te preocupes por pulirlo.
Kid, don't mind polishing.
Sigue, termina de pulirlo.
Just keep on going. Just polish.
Bastará lijarlos y pulirlos.
Just scrub 'em and polish 'em.
Hay que pulirlo.
This thing needs polishing.
Tengo que pulirlo.
I'll polish it.
- Me gusta pulirle.
- l like polishing him.
Hay que pulirla.
It always needs a lot of polishing.
Debemos pulirlo un poco.
We should polish it a little.
-¿Terminaste de revisarlo y pulirlo?
- Done polishing and tweaking?
Él se limitó a pulirla un poco.
He just polished it up.
Lo único que tuvo que hacer fue pulirla.
All she had to do was polish it up.
Ya habría tiempo más adelante para retocarla y pulirla.
There would be a time for tinkering and polishing later.
Fue reprendido por eso y obligado a limpiarla y pulirla.
He was scolded for that and made to clean and polish it.
pero era una gema en bruto, faltaba pulirla.
yet Irina was a rough diamond, and required polishing.
Maldita sea, pensó, habrá que pulirla de nuevo.
Damn, it'll have to be polished again, he thought.
Los Canteros aprendían a perforar la piedra, tallarla y pulirla.
Stoneworkers learned to drill, carve, and polish.
–Déme un par de días para pulirlo, señor.
“Give me a couple days to polish it up, sir, but, yes, we do.”
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