Перевод для "procurar" на английский
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Procurará responder a las observaciones formuladas.
He would attempt to respond to observations made by members.
c) Procurar reconciliar a las partes en una denuncia.
(c) attempt to reconcile the parties to whom and against whom a complaint relates;
Para ello, procurará resolver los conflictos entre demandas concurrentes.
To that end, it would attempt to resolve conflicts between competing requests.
Tentativa de procurar la comisión de un acto delictivo
Attempt to procure commission of criminal act
Se procurará individualizar y analizar los factores vinculados con la efectividad y los efectos.
An attempt shall be made to identify and analyse the factors associated with effectiveness and impact.
En esa oportunidad, el Subcomité procurará aplicar las recomendaciones del CAC.
It will at that time attempt to implement the recommendations of ACC.
Desde el punto de vista organizativo, hay muchos intentos diferentes de procurar "resolver" los problemas.
Organizationally, there are many different attempts to solve the problems.
2. El presente informe procurará mantener esa promesa.
2. This report will attempt to keep that promise.
Se procurará satisfacer las necesidades de nuevas tierras de la población beduina.
An attempt will be made to meet the requirements of the Bedouin population for additional land.
Procuraré contactar al Emperador Ruso otra vez.
I will attempt to contact the Russian emperor again.
Procuraré dirigirte, en la manipulación de la llama a un nivel subatómico.
How do we begin? I will attempt to guide you in manipulating the flame at the subatomic level.
¿Sabía él que al tratar de procurar justicia para Dreyfus...
Did he know that by attempting to secure justice for Dreyfus...
Y entonces, supongo, yo procuraré encontrar una tarea útil en algún lado.
And then, I suppose, I'll attempt to find a useful position somewhere.
Yo no soy el piloto, no procuraré tomar el control de esta nave.
"I am not the pilot. I will not attempt to fly this ship."
Tenemos una sorpresa. Peter Royce Bentley, más conocido como Potato Bug, procurará batir hoy el récord mundial en la carrera de 400 metros.
As a surprise attraction, Peter Royce Bentley, better known as the Potato Bug, will attempt to break his world record for the quarter-mile drag.
Hay que procurar una mejora en la defensa.
I'm attempting to perfect a defense against...
Procurará mantenerse en contacto conmigo.
You will attempt to keep in contact with me.
En parte, nuestra intención es procurar que no intenten robarnos nuestro hallazgo.
Part of our intention is to ensure that they don’t attempt to steal the find from us.”
Lo más fácil es librarse de él por completo en vez de procurar recrearlo.
Far more simple to release oneself from it completely than to attempt to re-create it.
El li intentaba contener esa tendencia y procurar que los guerreros luchasen como caballeros.
The li attempted to restrain this tendency and ensure that warriors fought like gentlemen.
—¿Ya está? —preguntó Bianchini sin procurar enmascarar su sorpresa. —Eso creo.
‘Is that all?’ Bianchini asked, making no attempt to disguise the surprise in his voice and on his face. ‘I think so.
Pero tenía que esforzarme para hacer hablar a ese hombre, y sobre todo tenía que procurar no echarme a reír.
But I had to make an attempt to get the man to talk, and to prevent myself from laughing at all costs.
y al procurar desvanecer sospechas infundadas, las haría nacer con fundamento.
and in his attempt to allay suspicions that were baseless he would actually have given them a reality.
nada de procurar verse con Tupra ni Blakeston ni con ningún compañero, nada de llamarlos ni de asomar la oreja.
he must make no attempt to meet Tupra or Blakeston or any former colleague, there could be no phone calls, no snooping.
No es más que un hombre de dos sílabas, pero procuraré rectificar estas falsas impresiones, dar cumplida satisfacción…
Only a two-syllable man, but I shall attempt to correct these false impressions, make some amends ...
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