Перевод для "notablemente" на английский
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Ha aumentado además notablemente la diversidad y complejidad de las causas.
Moreover, there has been a notable increase in the diversity and complexity of the cases.
La campaña se desarrolló en forma notablemente pacífica.
The campaign proceeded in a notably peaceful way.
Notablemente, la Corte emitió dos fallos finales este año.
Notably, the Court rendered two final judgments this year.
La situación empeoró notablemente en la primavera de 1999.
The situation deteriorated notably in the spring of 1999.
La situación en esa esfera ha evolucionado notablemente desde 1991.
The situation in that area had changed notably since 1991.
Se ha avanzado notablemente en los planos regional y mundial.
Notable progress has been made at the regional and global levels.
El comercio intrarregional aumentó notablemente.
7. There was a notable increase in intraregional trade.
Han alterado notablemente las percepciones entre los pueblos islámicos y los occidentales.
They have notably strained perceptions between Islamic and Western peoples.
Desde entonces, se ha progresado notablemente en el cumplimiento de los objetivos mencionados.
Since then, there has been notable progress in realizing the aforementioned goals.
Notablemente, era incapaz de concebir hijos.
Notably, she was incapable of producing offspring.
Ha tenido importante oposición, más notablemente de otra veterana,
It's taken some significant opposition, most notably from another veteran,
Mis hombres me han servido tan notablemente, señor.
My men have served me most notably, sir.
Notablemente, el Doctor Masaki es el típico profesor loco.
Notably, Dr. Masaki is a typical crazy professor.
Es usado por cultos alrededor del mundo, más notablemente, el culto de Cthulhu.
"It is used by cults around the world, most notably, the cult of Cthulhu."
Utanosuke Kano, notablemente, fue un sobresaliente luchador.
Utanosuke Kano, notably, was an outstanding warrior.
Tan dulce como antes y notablemente más expansiva.
Sweet as before and notably more outgoing.
A menos que tenga un juanete... en ese caso es notablemente inefectivo.
Uh, unless he's got a bunion, in which case he is notably ineffective.
Los bordes esternales de la costilla notablemente texturizados... indican que la víctima tenía aproximadamente 90 años.
The notably textured sternal rib ends indicate that the victim was approximately 90 years old.
Los cerdos no son notablemente aerodinámicos, ¿verdad?
Pigs are not notably aerodynamic, are they?
y, más notablemente, que no se llamaba Abejalobo.
and most notably, that he was not named Beewolf
Los caninos son una raza notablemente amistosa.
Canines are a notably friendly race.
Los demonios deumas eran notablemente pringosos.
Deumas demons were notably messy.
Tenía uno de los ojos notablemente más grande que el otro.
One of her eyes was notably larger than the other.
Los rumores dicen que ella se está resistiendo notablemente a sus encantos.
Rumor is she’s notably resistant to your charms.
Desde su partida de Nápoles había engordado notablemente.
Since his departure from Naples he had increased notably in body.
Notablemente, en ninguna de las fotos aparecía el Gran George.
Notably, in none of the photographs did Big George appear.
Fue también notablemente ineficaz en evitar la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
It was also notably ineffective in preventing World War II.
La autoridad última sería el gobierno, notablemente representado por la policía.
The ultimate authority would be the government, notably represented by the police.
41. Las muertes ocurridas durante la detención aumentaron notablemente.
41. Deaths in custody rose markedly.
En cambio, las incautaciones aumentaron notablemente en los Estados Unidos.
On the other hand, seizures increased markedly in the United States.
Nuestras sesiones son ahora notablemente más dinámicas.
Our meetings have become markedly more active.
183. La situación en esa esfera ha cambiado notablemente.
The situation in this area has markedly changed.
Lamentablemente, este panorama no ha mejorado notablemente hasta la fecha.
Regrettably, this outlook has not markedly improved to date.
Las condiciones de vida de su pueblo han mejorado notablemente.
The lives of its people have markedly improved.
El gasto social aumentó notablemente, lo cual tuvo un impacto considerable.
Social expenditures increased markedly, with a significant impact.
El proceso de retorno sigue siendo notablemente lento.
The pace of the returns remains markedly slow.
La situación de hoy es notablemente distinta.
The situation today is markedly different.
Ahora la situación ha mejorado notablemente.
The situation has markedly improved now.
De acuerdo con estas gráficas tu salud ha mejorado notablemente.
According to these charts, your health has improved markedly.
Las circunstancias han mejorado notablemente.
Your circumstances have improved markedly.
el tiempo de respuesta para las mujeres es notablemente más rápido.
the responds time for the women is markedly quicker.
Y su padre ha mejorado notablemente.
And your father is markedly improved.
Estas guerras nuestras hacen la relajación notablemente difícil.
These wars we're subjected to make detente markedly difficult.
Siéntese y usted mejorará notablemente.
Sit up and you'll improve markedly.
Es notablemente similar a "The Sorcerer".
It's markedly similar to "The Sorcerer".
La onda de amplitud ha disminuido y notablemente allanada.
Wave amplitude is diminished and markedly flattened.
Las notas en lectura, y la redacción ha mejorado notablemente, Sra. Campbell.
Their reading scores, their writing has markedly improved, Ms. Campbell.
Condensaciones bilaterales notablemente mejores.
Bilateral consolidation's markedly improved.
El aire era notablemente más fresco.
The air was markedly cooler.
Esta huella era notablemente diferente.
This print was markedly different in whirls and ridges.
—Pareció notablemente menos escéptica—.
She seemed markedly less skeptical.
Riley Weaver estaba notablemente pálido.
Riley Weaver appeared markedly pale.
La actitud de la enfermera mejoró notablemente.
The nurse's manner became markedly more friendly.
Incluso su inglés había mejorado notablemente.
Even his English had improved markedly.
Jace palideció notablemente, pero no mostró otra emoción.
Jace paled markedly, but showed no other emotion.
Es notablemente más fría que la estrella de nuestro sistema solar.
This is markedly cooler than our solar system star.
—Pensamientos no solicitados de aprensión aumentan notablemente —dijo.
‘Unbidden thoughts of apprehension increase markedly,’ she said.
Ha aumentado notablemente la contratación de funcionarios timorenses para ocupar puestos clave.
Recruitment of Timorese counterparts to key posts has improved noticeably.
No obstante, aumentaron notablemente los casos de sobrevuelo de aviones no identificados.
However, overflights by unidentified aircraft increased noticeably.
Algunos tipos concretos de violencia asociados con esa milicia han disminuido notablemente.
Specific types of violence associated with this militia have noticeably declined.
Durante 2005, el crecimiento económico mundial se desaceleró notablemente.
During 2005 world economic growth slowed noticeably.
A raíz de esas medidas se han reducido notablemente los robos de equipo de computación.
Following the implementation of these measures, there has been a noticeable reduction in computer thefts.
Ello ha contribuido a realzar notablemente en todo el país la confianza del público en la policía.
This has contributed to a noticeable increase in the confidence of the public in the police throughout the country.
293. Dentro del país, el número de desplazados ha disminuido notablemente.
293. There has been a noticeable decline in the number of internally displaced persons.
Lamentablemente, tanto los recursos a disposición del mandato como la prioridad de éste han disminuido notablemente.
Regrettably, there has been a noticeable decline in resources and priority extended to the mandate.
306. La asistencia a bibliotecas disminuyó notablemente en 1992-1993.
306. Library attendance fell off noticeably in 1992-1993.
Hasta ahora estábais notablemente faltos.
Until now, this has been noticeably lacking.
Bulto notablemente obsceno Que emerge de la parte baja?
Noticeable obscene bulge emanating from the lower region?
Son notablemente más pesadas.
It is noticeably heavier.
Y mas notablemente en los modelos de mascota.
Most noticeably in petbot models.
Ha envejecido notablemente.
You've aged noticeably, too.
Tengo que añadir que estábamos notablemente borrachos.
I do have to add that we were noticeably drunk.
Estaba notablemente delgado.
He was noticeably thin, And both his stomach
Para ser pantalones nuevos están notablemente gastados.
Strange, for new pants there's noticeable wear on the buttocks of those chinos.
Ganará peso notablemente...
You'll gain weight noticeably and...
Sin embargo, su población se ha recuperado notablemente.
But their population has recovered noticeably.
Las vibraciones se agudizaron notablemente.
The vibrations sharpened noticeably.
El aparato se inclinó notablemente.
The plane dipped noticeably.
Galladel palideció notablemente.
Galladel paled noticeably.
Fueron mejorando notablemente el tiempo.
Their time improved noticeably.
Se sentía notablemente tranquilo;
He was noticeably calm;
La oscuridad estaba notablemente más oscura.
The dark was noticeably darker.
Notablemente más pequeño que la Luna.
Noticeably smaller than the Moon.
Titubeó, apenas notablemente.
He hesitated, just noticeably.
Esa declaración conjunta sería una señal importante y positiva y podría mejorar notablemente la atmósfera entre las dos partes.
Such a joint statement would be an important, positive signal and could significantly improve the atmosphere between the two sides.
Eran notablemente iguales a las señalas direccionales de un aero-faro.
They were remarkably like the directional signals of an airway beacon.
—Una victoria, señorita Parker, a la que usted contribuyó notablemente —le hizo una reverencia—.
‘A victory, Miss Parker, to which you signally contributed.’ He bowed to her.
Gracias a esto, sus obras son notablemente graves, y su casi universal, creciente y rápido deterioro no mitiga su melancolía.
Thanks to this fact, his works are signally grave, and their almost universal and rapidly increasing decay does not relieve their gloom.
—la voz era notablemente fuerte y profunda, aunque poseía una rara cualidad fluctuante, como una señal radiada que suena y se desvanece a intervalos—.
Her voice was remarkably strong and deep, but it had a curious flickering quality, like a radio signal that keeps fading out and in again.
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