Перевод для "litigar" на английский
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Tutela judicial y derecho a litigar
The judiciary and litigation
Esta disposición es coherente con el derecho a litigar garantizado en la Constitución.
This provision is consistent with the right to litigate, which is guaranteed constitutionally.
El derecho a litigar está garantizado a todos.
The right to litigation is safeguarded and guaranteed for all people.
Derecho a litigar ante los tribunales
Right of litigation:
c) Derecho a litigar.
(c) The right to litigate;
De acuerdo con la legislación húngara, sólo pueden litigar los particulares.
Under Hungarian law, only private parties could litigate.
No está permitido litigar en idioma indígena, aun cuando las partes sean hablantes del mismo.
Litigation in an indigenous language is not permitted, even when the parties speak it.
En Cuba, la ley había previsto la posibilidad de litigar sobre asuntos administrativos.
In Cuba, administrative litigation was possible under the law.
¿"Litigar hasta los límites"?
Litigating for the margins?
El final de no litigar.
So much for not litigating.
Nunca me interesó litigar.
My interests have never been in litigation.
Will Truman puede litigar.
Will Truman can litigate
- Esto no es hablar, es litigar.
- This is litigating.
Estoy a cargo de litigar.
I'm front seat litigating.
No hay nada que litigar.
There's nothing to litigate here.
- No es para litigar.
- Not for litigating.
Vivo para litigar.
I live for litigation.
Litigar da mala publicidad.
Litigation is bad PR.
Les gusta en particular litigar.
They particularly delight in litigation.
Es difícil litigar contra las empresas mineras.
It’s tough litigating against the coal companies.
Este afán por litigar debe de ser típicamente estadounidense.
It must be something about America, this urge to litigate.
Los abogados necesitan los peligros para litigar y ganar dinero.
Lawyers need dangers to litigate, and make money.
los caseros habían mamado el arte de litigar del pecho de sus madres.
landlords learn the art of litigation with their mothers' milk.
No tenemos tiempo ni recursos para litigar de forma póstuma.
We don’t have the time or resources to litigate from the grave.”
Si el ayuntamiento adoptara semejante acción, nos veríamos obligados a protestar y a litigar por este asunto.
If such a course of action is taken by the council, we would be compelled to protest this matter and proceed to litigation.
Mauritana de nacimiento, Maimouna era una feminista convencida con experiencia en litigar por la causa de las mujeres en los tribunales canadienses.
Mauritanian-born Maimouna was a diehard feminist who had experience as a litigator for the cause of women in the Canadian courts.
Están siendo negados nuestros derechos legales, y he considerado seriamente la posibilidad de litigar en la corte contra las partes responsables.
We are being denied our legal prerogatives and I have seriously considered the possibility of major litigation against the parties responsible.
Cuando se daba esa situación, la única táctica sensata era distraer y perturbar, litigar sobre los detalles insignificantes, entorpecerlo todo y buscar la postergación.
When this situation arose, the only sensible tactic was to distract and disrupt, litigate minutiae, gum up the wheels and delay.
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