Перевод для "insustancial" на английский
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La Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, según su discreción, está facultada para rechazar el recurso extraordinario por falta de agravio federal suficiente o cuando las cuestiones planteadas resulten insustanciales o carentes de trascendencia.
The Supreme Court may, at its discretion, dismiss an extraordinary federal appeal if it deems that it is not a matter for the federal jurisdiction or that the issues raised therein are insubstantial or lacking in importance.
La información facilitada sobre otros aspectos del sistema de salud, incluida la estrategia para combatir el VIH/SIDA es igualmente insustancial.
The information supplied on other aspects of the health system, including the strategy to combat HIV/AIDS, was also insubstantial.
El Proyecto H.R. 4225, introducido recientemente por el congresista Lamar Smith (R-TX) y copatrocinado por conocidos legisladores anticubanos, busca ajustar, mediante cambios insustanciales, la Sección 211 a las recomendaciones del Órgano de Apelación de la OMC, y mantenerla vigente.
Bill HR 4225, introduced recently by United States Congressman Lamar Smith (Republican, Texas) and co-sponsored by well-known anti-Cuba legislators, seeks to amend Section 211, through insubstantial changes, to conform to the recommendations of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization and keep it in force.
Aunque en teoría podía obligarse a ambas partes a pagar una multa si las razones para el divorcio se consideraban insustanciales, en la práctica solo las mujeres debían someter sus razones para el divorcio a normas rigurosas de valoración de la prueba.
Although in theory both parties can be made to pay penalties if the reasons for divorce are perceived to be insubstantial, in practice only women face exacting standards of proof of their reasons for divorce.
Por consiguiente, mi delegación no admitirá variación alguna, por ligera, insignificante o insustancial que pueda parecer, de la condición de miembro.
My delegation will therefore not be a party to admitting of any variations, however slight, insignificant or insubstantial they may be, of the state of being a member.
Sois sombras, fantasmas insustanciales.
You are shadows, insubstantial ghosts!
Sólo queremos asegurarnos que nadie lo toma como algo insustancial.
We just want to make sure no one mistakes that for insubstantial.
Impresióname con tus conjeturas insustanciales.
Amaze me with your insubstantial guesswork.
Las charlas insustanciales no harán sino apartarme del sendero trazado.
The insubstantial talks only move me away from this path.
Como abogado, te comunico que tus pruebas son insustanciales.
As a lawyer, I have to caution you that your proof is pretty insubstantial.
No tengo sueños insustanciales.
I don't have insubstantial dreams.
Todo es muy insustancial, Primer Ministro, sólo para ver cómo reaccionamos.
It's insubstantial. Someone's flying a kite.
Justo como los describió entonces, "insustanciales como fantasmas".
Just as you described them back then, "insubstantial as ghosts."
Es completamente insustancial.
It's completely insubstantial.
Él se estaba volviendo insustancial.
He was becoming insubstantial.
Era tan insustancial como el aire.
He was as insubstantial as air.
Es insustancial, retorcida e informe.
It’s insubstantial—wispy and formless.
Y como este insustancial desfile desvanecido
And like this insubstantial pageant faded
La figura de Eldritch era enteramente insustancial;
The entire figure was insubstantial;
Y, sin embargo, en última instancia son insustanciales.
And yet they are finally insubstantial.
Se sentía ligero e insustancial.
He felt very light and insubstantial.
La luz brillante, gélida e insustancial.
The luminous light, chill and insubstantial.
Todo lo demás parecía insustancial.
Everything else seemed so very insubstantial.
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