Перевод для "imbuido" на английский
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Es un imperativo en parte racial y en parte individual: un poder imbuido de cierta propiedad misteriosa, que se diría hipnótica o mesmérica, capaz de privar de toda capacidad de resistencia a aquellos que sostienen su mirada.
It is a power that is partly racial and partly individual: a power impregnated with some mysterious quality, partly hypnotic, partly mesmeric, which seems to take away from eyes that meet them all power of resistance—nay, all power of wishing to resist.
Al despertar por la mañana, bastante tarde, advirtió sin embargo que su atención se encontraba en algo muy diferente, que parecía imbuido de una claridad que parecía impregnar la suave atmósfera matutina y vibrar en la suave y fresca brisa que, procedente del mar, entraba por la ventana abierta.
On waking up the next morning, rather late, he found, however, that it had attached itself to a very different object. His vision was filled with the brightness of the delightful fact itself, which seemed to impregnate the sweet morning air and to flutter in the light, fresh breeze that came through his open window from the sea.
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