Перевод для "ignominiosamente" на английский
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Además, el supuesto poderoso ejército ugandés fue ignominiosamente derrotado en tres ocasiones, principalmente en la ciudad mártir de Kisangani.
Moreover, the supposedly powerful Uganda army was ignominiously defeated on three occasions, most notably in the martyr city of Kisangani.
Son muchos los que han sido ignominiosamente asesinados fuera de sus casas, en el camino e incluso en el extranjero: son numerosos los que no han recibido sepultura.
People have been ignominiously massacred on the doorstep of their homes, on the road and even outside the countray; many have not received a burial.
- Era obvio desde el principio que la suya era una carrera que terminaría ignominiosamente.
- It was obvious from the start that yours was a career that would end ignominiously.
Y la princesa Amarza... morirá miserable e ignominiosamente.
And Princess Amarza... will die miserably and ignominiously.
Un buque que ignominiosamente acabará convertido en chatarra.
A grand old warship being ignominiously hauled away for scrap.
Señoras y caballeros, ya han oído cómo soy juzgado ignominiosamente.
Ladies and gentlemen, you heard how I am misjudged most ignominiously.
Y vimos caer la bola de este hombre ignominiosamente, así que encendamos las bengalas y sigamos.
And we´ve watched this man´s ball drop ignominiously, so let´s light the sparklers and move on down the road.
Sí, ofendido, insultado, humillado incluso. ¡Me han echado a la calle ignominiosamente!
Offended, insulted, even humiliated, because they threw me out, ignominiously.
Entonces, la infeliz Geertje Dircks fue ignominiosamente recusada y expulsada de la casa.
Then the unappy Geertje Dircks was ignominiously rejected and turned out of the household.
Lo siento! ¡Lo siento! Y tanta gloria gozosa, parece haber terminado ignominiosamente aquí esta noche.
- ...and so much joyous glory, appears to have ended ignominiously here tonight.
Todo había fracasado ignominiosamente.
Everything had failed ignominiously.
Wilson se lo llevó ignominiosamente.
Wilson led him in ignominy away.
Se hundiría ignominiosamente como una piedra.
Ignominiously she would sink like a rock.
Yo era innegablemente impresentable e ignominiosamente ignorado.
I was undeniably uniquitous and ignominiously ignored.
Los judíos lo maldijeron y murió ignominiosamente.
The Jews cursed him, and he died ignominiously.
Lo cual incluía la posibilidad de volver a ser capturado ignominiosamente.
The possibility of an ignominious recapture was as close as that.
Pero se vio rechazado ignominiosamente por ella, que lo obligó a ponerse detrás.
But she thrust him ignominiously away and behind her.
Ante ella disminuye ignominiosamente el intelecto, incluso entre los más inteligentes.
Before that Law the intellect goes down, ignominiously, even among the intelligent.
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