Перевод для "hondamente" на английский
Примеры перевода
Las Bahamas lamentan hondamente los daños ambientales y sociales ocasionados por el hundimiento del Prestige.
The Bahamas deeply regrets the environmental and social damage occasioned by the sinking of the Prestige.
En particular, el Comité se manifiesta hondamente perturbado por:
In particular, the Committee is deeply disturbed by:
El concepto mismo de una cultura de paz se encuentra hondamente enraizado en el pueblo ecuatoriano.
The very concept of a culture of peace is deeply rooted in the people of Ecuador.
La no presentación de los informes, que se deplora hondamente, se debe a un desafortunado descuido.
The failure, which is deeply regretted, results from an unfortunate oversight;
Hondamente preocupada por la situación de los derechos humanos en Nigeria,
Deeply concerned about the human rights situation in Nigeria,
44. El Comité está hondamente preocupado por:
44. The Committee is deeply concerned about:
No obstante, por diversas razones, se manifiesta hondamente decepcionada.
However, for a number of reasons, it was deeply disappointed.
:: Nos sentimos hondamente preocupados por los obstáculos erigidos entre los dirigentes y los ciudadanos jóvenes.
:: We are deeply concerned by the barriers between leaders and young citizens.
708. El Comité está hondamente preocupado por:
708. The Committee is deeply concerned about:
Me aflige hondamente que no haya prestado oídos a mi llamamiento, ni a los de otros gobernantes.
I am deeply saddened that he has not heeded my appeal or appeals by other leaders.
Profunda y hondamente.
Deeply and firmly.
Y me he estado preguntando cómo pudo usted... ver tan hondamente... dentro de mí.
But I have wondered how you were able to see so deeply into my nature.
Estaba hondamente conmovido.
He was deeply moved.
Pierce suspiró hondamente.
Pierce sighed deeply.
Me sentía hondamente conmovido.
I felt deeply moved.
Parpadeó, aspirando hondamente.
He blinked, breathing deeply.
Se hallan hondamente arraigados en nuestra conducta.
They are deeply ingrained / in our behaviour.
Se sintió hondamente ofendido y decepcionado.
He was deeply offended and disappointed.
509 respiró hondamente y se levantó.
509 breathed deeply and got up.
La cara exhausta lo afectaba hondamente.
The weary face touched him deeply.
No podía negar que estaba hondamente perturbado.
There was no denying that he was very deeply troubled.
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