Перевод для "hamletiana" на английский
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No le oculto que elegir a la víctima es arduo y, a veces, desgarrador, un dilema hamletiano que me angustia días, semanas, y que luego reconstruyen mis pesadillas.
I will not conceal from you that choosing the victim is difficult, at times heartrending, a Hamletian dilemma that torments me for days, weeks, and then becomes part of my nightmares.
La cabeza todavía fija en la silueta del venerable jurista aventado por las circunstancias (encarnadas en un perfumado y voluptuoso calzón de mujer acostado a su paso entre dos gradas de una escalera jurisprudente) a una incertidumbre hamletiana, pero ya sentado ante la larga mesa de madera de su escritorio y hojeando sus cuadernos, don Rigoberto dio un respingo cuando el cono dorado de la lamparilla le reveló el proverbio alemán que encabezaba esa página: Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual («Quien tiene elección, tiene tormento»).
His mind still fixed on the figure of the venerable jurist assailed by circumstance (embodied in the undergarment of a perfumed and voluptuous woman, which lay before him between two steps of a jurisprudential staircase) and forced into Hamletian uncertainty, but sitting now before the large wooden table in his study and leafing through his notebooks, Don Rigoberto gave a start when the golden cone of light from the lamp revealed the German proverb written at the top of the page: Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual (“Whoever must choose must suffer”).
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