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Al parecer, encadenaron a Kalitsinsky a un radiador, lo golpearon y lo patearon, provocándole conmoción y hematomas a la altura de las costillas.
Kalitsinsky was allegedly chained to a radiator, beaten and kicked, causing him to suffer a concussion and bruised ribs.
Varios manifestantes se encadenaron al edificio y otros treparon al pórtico.
Several protestors chained themselves to the building while others climbed up onto the portico.
El 21 de febrero de 2003, 12 manifestantes que llevaban chalecos de `Greenpeace' se encadenaron al portón de la Embajada de la Federación de Rusia en Helsinki.
"On 21 February 2003, 12 demonstrators who wore "Greenpeace" waistcoats chained themselves to the gates of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Helsinki.
Algunos manifestantes treparon al pórtico y otros tres se encadenaron al edificio.
Some demonstrators climbed onto the portico and three others chained themselves to the building.
En un caso, los manifestantes lanzaron objetos en dirección de la Embajada y, en otro caso, los manifestantes se encadenaron a las rejas que bordeaban la Embajada.
In one case, demonstrators threw objects in the direction of the Embassy and, in the other, demonstrators chained themselves to the railings outside the Embassy.
Alega que lo encadenaron a una pared y durante horas lo golpearon con un palo para obligarlo a confesar el delito.
He claims to have been chained to a wall and subjected to kicks and beatings with a baton for several hours to force him to confess to the crime.
Una vez que lo desnudaron cortándole la ropa, le pusieron esposas y le encadenaron los pies.
When his clothes were cut off his body, he was handcuffed and chained to his feet.
Les encadenaron de manos y pies a un arnés especialmente diseñado, les vendaron los ojos y les pusieron capuchas antes de subirlos al avión.
Their hands and feet were chained to a specially designed harness, and they were blindfolded and hooded as they were brought to the plane.
ii) El 29 de mayo de 1997, cuatro personas se encadenaron a la verja que rodea a la Embajada, mientras que otros intentaban entrar en la Embajada durante una manifestación.
(ii) On 29 May 1997, four people chained themselves to the railings outside the Embassy while others attempted to gain access to the Embassy itself during a demonstration.
Afirman que hombres llegaron a las aldeas a caballo, saquearon los mercados y encadenaron a sus habitantes antes de prenderles fuego.
They said that men rode into villages on horseback, looted the market and chained people up before setting them ablaze.
Se encadenaron a un terraformer...
They chained themselves to a terraformer...
Ustedes lo encadenaron.
You chained him.
Con razón me encadenaron.
No wonder they put me in these chains.
Después le encadenaron de nuevo.
Then they put him in chains again.
"La encadenaron a la tierra".
"They chained her to the earth."
Me encadenaron a una pared.
I was chained to a wall.
Me encadenaron y recitaron ensalmos.
They tied me in chains and incanted spells.
¿Por qué lo encadenaron?
Why is he in chains?
Me llevaron a bordo, me encadenaron.
They brought me onboard, chained me.
¿Por qué los encadenaron?
Why chain them in?
Me apresaron y me encadenaron.
They seized me and put me in chains.
Como antes, lo encadenaron a la estaca de hierro.
As previously, they chained him to the iron stake.
El mismo día nos encadenaron.
That same day we were put in chains.
Tú no estabas aquí cuando me encadenaron al remo.
You were not here when they chained me to the oar.
Perdí la navaja cuando me encadenaron en el Weald.
I lost it when they chained me up on the Weald.
La última vez que estuve en esta ciudad también me encadenaron.
My last time in this city I was in chains as well.
Llevaron los prisioneros hasta allí y los encadenaron.
The prisoners were brought forward, and each one was chained in place.
Me encadenaron al aro que uno de los tarns llevaba en la pata.
I was chained to the ankle ring of one of the tarns.
Entonces me encadenaron a este remo. —¡Mataste a tres!
And then they chained me to this oar.” “You slew three!”
Lo encadenaron a la pared de piedra y lo dejaron ahí.
They chained him to the stone wall and left him.
Los que estaban en su país le aplicaron las peores clases de tortura: ofendieron su honor, agredieron a su familia, lo humillaron, lo encadenaron, lo oprimieron y lo obligaron a entrar en guerras miserables.
Those within his country inflicted on him the worst kinds of torture: they attacked his honour, assaulted his family, humiliated him, shackled him, oppressed him and forced him into miserable wars.
Le afeitaron la cabeza, le vendaron los ojos, le pusieron orejeras y un barbijo, lo esposaron y encadenaron, lo subieron a un avión y lo llevaron en Guantánamo, donde estuvo recluido en una celda aislada un mes más.
His head was shaved, he was blindfolded, made to wear ear muffs and a mouth mask, handcuffed, shackled, loaded on to a plane and flown out to Guantanamo, where he was held in solitary confinement for one more month.
A lo largo de ese período, estuvo inmovilizada por cuatro puntos: le encadenaron las manos y pies a la cama.
During that time, she was put in four—point restraints: her hands and feet were shackled to the bed.
Le encadenaron de pies y manos y le arrastraron así de una celda a otra.
He was shackled at the hands and feet and was dragged like this from one cell to another.
Sírvanse comentar las denuncias de personas que declaran que durante los interrogatorios las encadenaron y ataron de manera dolorosa, las obligaron a permanecer en posturas forzadas, las privaron del sueño y las sometieron a amenazas e insultos.
Please comment on the reports of painful shackling and binding, immobilization in stress positions, sleep deprivation and the use of threats and verbal abuse during the interrogations.
¿Lo encadenaron al radiador?
They shackled him to the radiator?
Encadenaron a 25 oficiales británicos en la prisión alemana de Ludwigsdorf.
Twenty-five British officers were shackled... in Ludwigsdorf Prison in Germany.
No nos encadenaron y trajeron aquí..
We weren't shackled and brought here.
Me arrancaron de la cama, inspeccionaron todos mis orificios, me encadenaron, y me transportaron como ganado. Eso sí.
Rousted out of bed, cavity-searched, shackled, transported like livestock?
Lo encadenaron para que no flotara...
Shackled so as not to float...
Lo encadenaron a la pared.
They shackled him to a wall.
Le encadenaron y le llevaron al pabellón C.
THEY LED HIM to Ward C in shackles.
Lo encadenaron y amordazaron antes de que pudiera realizar un conjuro para evitarlo.
He was shackled and gagged before he could work magic against his captors.
Chillaban y se resistían, pero los soldados lyucu eran implacables y los encadenaron a estacas sujetas al suelo.
They screamed and resisted, but the Lyucu soldiers were relentless and shackled them to stakes driven into the ground.
Nos encadenaron los tobillos y nos obligaron a sentarnos en el carro; los muchachos adelante, uno junto a otro, y Rupa y yo a los lados, mirándonos de frente.
We were shackled together by our ankles and made to sit in the cart, the boys next to each other at the front, and Rupa and I on either side, opposite one another.
Soldados mercenarios a las órdenes de Winchester sacaron a Hubert del lugar santo donde se refugiaba y lo encadenaron con triple cadena al muro de las mazmorras de Devizes.
Mercenary soldiers under Winchester’s orders dragged Hubert from sanctuary and fastened him to the wall with triple shackles in Devizes’ dungeon.
Primero fueron despojados de sus ropas hasta quedar solo con sus taparrabos, y les ataron las muñecas por atrás y les encadenaron los tobillos de modo que quedaban limitados a dar pasos cortos e inseguros.
First they were stripped down to their underskirts, and their wrists were pinioned behind their backs and their ankles were shackled together so that they were limited to taking short hobbling steps.
Aquellos cerdos, sin embargo, procuraron que estuviera lo más cómodo posible, pues me arrojaron de espaldas sobre un estrecho banco de madera y encadenaron mis grilletes tan apretadamente debajo de este que no podía moverme ni un centímetro, y debía yacer supino, con las piernas tocando el suelo a cada lado.
The swine made me as comfortable as possible, though, throwing me back down on a narrow wooden bench and shackling my wrists so tightly beneath it that I couldn’t budge an inch and must lie there supine with my legs trailing on the floor either side.
La marcaron, no por primera ni última vez, y la encadenaron al resto de las adquisiciones de la jornada.
She was branded, not for the first or last time, and fettered to the rest of the day’s acquisitions.
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