Перевод для "defendimos" на английский
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Defendimos los derechos de algunos pueblos de Siberia durante los decenios del totalitarismo soviético, aunque tuvimos que hacerlo solos y discretamente.
We defended the rights of some Siberian peoples during the decades of Soviet totalitarianism, although we had to do it alone and quietly.
En el curso de estas décadas las Naciones Unidas han demostrado que no estaban equivocados sus fundadores cuando le confiaron la misión de desarrollar un nuevo esquema de convivencia planetaria, gracias al cual derrotamos el colonialismo, combatimos el apartheid, evitamos confrontaciones territoriales, tendimos la mano a los niños, defendimos los derechos de las mujeres y protegimos el medio ambiente.
Over the decades the United Nations has shown that its founders were not mistaken when they entrusted to it the mission of developing a new model of co-existence for our planet, thanks to which we defeated colonialism, fought against apartheid, prevented territorial confrontations, extended our hand to help children, defended the rights of women and protected the environment.
Si, desafortunadamente y en contra de nuestros deseos y de nuestras aspiraciones, se vuelve a politizar el tema, se vuelve a enrarecer el ambiente de cooperación y de respeto a los países que prevalece hoy en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos, nuestro país se vería obligado y no dudaría en volver a plantar batalla y enarbolar allí las banderas que defendimos victoriosos durante 20 años hasta lograr derrotar definitivamente el ejercicio orquestado por sucesivas administraciones norteamericanas contra Cuba.
However, if, unfortunately and contrary to our desires and aspirations, this issue again becomes politicized and the atmosphere of cooperation and respect now prevailing among countries in the Human Rights Council once again deteriorates, our country would be compelled -- and would not hesitate -- to rejoin the fray and to brandish the flags that we have defended victoriously for 20 years, until such time as we succeed in utterly and definitively defeating the campaign orchestrated by successive United States administrations against Cuba.
Se lo llevaron, y no lo defendimos.
The led and not defend.
Pero nosotros sólo nos defendimos cuando nos atacaron.
-We only defended ourselves.
Defendimos Ljubin como pudimos... por 24 horas
Defend Ljubin grob for 24 hours...
Nos atacaron, nos defendimos,
We were defending ourselves.
Nuestra poderosa tierra defendimos.
We've defended our mighty land.
No tuvimos alternativa, nos defendimos.
We had no choice but to defend ourselves.
Con nuestra sangre defendimos nuestra Rusia.
We've defended Russia with our blood.
Primero, defendimos exitosamente nuestro restaurante.
First, we successfully defended our restaurant.
- Te defendimos en nuestra web.
- We defended you on our web site.
Defendimos nuestros valles contra todos los enemigos.
We defended our valleys against all enemies.
Nosotros nos defendimos.
We defended ourselves.
¿Qué es lo que defendimos allí?
What were we defending there?
Pero lo defendimos porque era necesario.
But we defended it because that's what had to be done.
–La doctora Venabili y yo nos defendimos, sí.
“Mistress Venabili and I defended ourselves. Yes.”
–Nos defendimos con los materiales que teníamos a mano -contestó Ryan con fingida gravedad-.
“We defended ourselves with the materials at hand,” Ryan replied with mock seriousness.
—Parece definitivo que el condado nos dará la misma cantidad de dinero que cuando defendimos a DuBois.
It's reasonably definite the county will give us the same amount of money we had to defend DuBois.
—Mena, usted sabe con cuánto entusiasmo defendimos aquí, hasta el último momento, al presidente Batista.
Mena, you know how enthusiastically we defended President Batista, right down to the last moment.
Como es lógico, nos defendimos, pero no teníamos intención de causar daños y, como prueba de lo que digo, podéis comprobar que hemos abandonado el puerto dejando intactas todas sus pertenencias, aunque mi pueblo está hambriento.
Naturally, we defended ourselves, but we meant them no harm and, as proof, you can see that we left the town with all its wealth safe and untouched, although my people are starving.
Diría que Londres tenía planes de invadir Tierra del Fuego y que nosotros nos defendimos contra las fuerzas unidas de la primera y la tercera potencias del mundo. Eso ya lo ha dicho el profesor Addolorato, apunta otro de los comandantes.
I’d say that London had plans to invade Tierra del Fuego and that we were merely defending ourselves against the first and third largest powers in the world.’ ‘Professor Addolorato has already said that,’ one of the comandantes pointed out.
En 2012 defendimos con éxito 20 cambios legislativos y normativos nacionales que aumentaban el acceso a servicios de aborto legales y sin riesgo.
In 2012 we successfully advocated for 20 national legislative and policy changes that increased access to safe and legal abortion services.
George Pelecanos y yo defendimos Dura la lluvia que cae ante Edwin Frank en el New York Review of Books, y cuando se publicó en su serie de reimpresiones, con una introducción de Pelecanos, dio ocasión a tributos de fans como Ken Tucker, Charles Taylor y Sarah Weinman, lectores familiarizados con otros libros de Carpenter y con su gran guion, Día de paga.
George Pelecanos and I each advocated for Hard Rain Falling to Edwin Frank at the New York Review of Books, and when it was published in their reprint series, with a Pelecanos introduction, it gave occasion for tributes from fans like Ken Tucker and Charles Taylor and Sarah Weinman, readers familiar with Carpenter’s other books, and with his great screenplay, Payday.
Soldados orgullosos de Baekje... defendimos las tres fortalezas de Baekje... y recuperamos el control de la Fortaleza Gomori.
Proud soldiers of Baekje, we guarded the three fortresses of Baekje and regained control of Gomoriseong.
Dice que está en bancarrota, lo cual es una mentira, entonces nos defendimos.
Says he's bankrupt, which is bull, so we push back!
Luego de años de abuso, finalmente nos defendimos.
After all the years of abuse, we finally fought back!
Nos defendimos y seguimos viviendo.
We fought back and we went on living.
Entonces ellos nos atacamos y nosotros nos defendimos.
So they hit us and we hit'm back, keeps going.
Nos tendieron una emboscada y nos defendimos y sobrevivimos.
We were ambushed, and we fought back. And we survived.
Tu padre cantaba la misma triste canción, y nos defendimos.
Your father sang that sour tune once, and we did fight back.
Y cuando nos defendimos, mataron a nuestros hombres.
And when we fought back, they killed all our men.
Nos defendimos y ganamos.
We fought back and we won.
Pero también cómo nos defendimos.
But also how we fought back.
Oh, nos defendimos luchando, desde luego.
Oh, we fought back, of course.
En mil novecientos treinta y dos nos defendimos.
In nineteen thirty-two, we fought back.
Defendimos la orilla todo lo que pudimos hasta que nos replegamos a un templo que había ordenado a los hombres que fortificaran.
We held the bank for as long as we could before falling back on a temple that I had ordered the men to fortify.
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