Перевод для "cínicamente" на английский
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Su propósito consiste en crear una "Tutsilandia", explotando cínicamente la victimización de que fueron objeto anteriormente.
Their aim was to create a “Tutsiland”, cynically trading on their past victimization.
Y, sin embargo, los representantes de los torturadores vienen cínicamente a sostener que las víctimas de la represión son en realidad criminales.
Yet the representatives of the torturers cynically informed the Commission that the victims of their repression were the real criminals.
Cuando Mgeladze se negó, el rebelde se disculpó cínicamente diciendo: "No deberías contrariarme.
When Mgeladze refused, the boevik apologized cynically with the words: "You should not be too hard on me.
La nueva programación estaba dirigida contra Cuba, aunque cínicamente se alegaba la supuesta transmisión "a todo el Continente".
The new programming was aimed at Cuba, although it was cynically described as for 'the whole continent'.
Estas personas son calificadas cínicamente de "víctimas colaterales" de las bombas y misiles terroristas de países poderosos.
Those people were cynically called "collateral victims" of powerful countries' terrorist bombs and missiles.
Las discrepancias entre el Sudán y otros países se proyectan cínicamente como una cuestión de derechos humanos.
What was essentially a conflict of policies and views between the Sudan and other countries was cynically being projected as a human rights issues.
Igualmente chocante resulta el hecho de que miles de jóvenes son explotados cínicamente como combatientes.
Just as shocking, thousands of young people are cynically exploited as combatants.
Esta propaganda cínicamente preparada, patrocinada por el Gobierno de Rusia, es especialmente alarmante en el siglo XXI.
This cynically mounted propaganda, sponsored by the Russian Government, is especially alarming in the twenty-first century.
Oculta cínicamente que nuestros transmisores han sido debidamente registrados para ofrecer servicios las 24 horas del día.
They cynically conceal the fact that our transmitters are licensed to provide service round the clock.
E igualmente asombroso, miles de niños pequeños son explotados cínicamente como combatientes.
Just as shocking, thousands of young children are cynically exploited as combatants.
¿Diciéndote cínicamente lo que quiere oír con la esperanza... de cosechar alguna recompensa?
Cynically telling you what you want to hear in the hope she may reap some reward?
La gente que había hablado cínicamente, la gente que se había desinteresado veían todo diferente ahora.
People who had been cynical, people who had been disinterested felt differently now.
Imagino que sí, a su manera, cínicamente.
Yes, I guess. In their way, cynically.
No estés tan cínicamente.
Do not watch me so cynically What sort of a marksman are you?
Una nación cínicamente dividida por juegos políticos... y la Constitución, sistemáticamente socavada y pervertida.
A Nation cynically divided, for political gain... and a Constitution, that has been systematically undermined and perverted.
Lord Belfour es mas cínicamente detachado y describe Wilson George y Clemenceau
Lord Balfour is more cynically detached and describes Wilson, George, and Clemenceau as...
No he dicho que esté acusada, he dicho que están usando su presencia cínicamente...
I didn't say she was on trial, I said you were cynically using her presence...
Como fue cínicamente prometido, Aldo Moro ha sido asesinado.
As cynically promised, Aldo Moro has been murdered.
- Usted lo mató cínicamente.
- You killed him cynically.
y quizas algunas de las estaciones aprovecharon cinicamente para acercarse y decian, "guau!
And perhaps even some of the stations took a very cynical approach to it saying, "Wow!
—le preguntó cínicamente—.
she asked cynically.
—responde cínicamente Bompard—.
returned Bompard, cynically.
Baker sonrió cínicamente.
Baker smiled cynically.
– preguntó Shannon cínicamente-.
Shannon asked cynically.
—preguntó Ana cínicamente.
Anne asked cynically.
Carmody sonrió cínicamente.
            Carmody smiled cynically.
Lavery se ruborizó y sonrió cínicamente.
Lavery colored, then smiled cynically.
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