Перевод для "charlaba" на английский
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Los mismos amigos con los que charlabas por teléfono anoche, ¿eh?
Ah. Same friends you were chatting to on the phone last night, eh?
El modo en el que el Sr. Bligh charlaba con la hermana Adams era tan alegre que ni me vieron.
The way Mr Bligh was chatting so cheerily to Sister Adams as they passed me.
Creo recordar que charlaba con Meredith en la puerta, así que no podía ver nada.
I seem to remember chatting to Meredith in the doorway, so I wouldn't have been able to see a thing.
Sólo charlaba sobre temas claves del marketing
So just chatting about key marketing issues
Sólo charlaba con mi nieto.
I was just chatting with my grandson.
- Sólo charlaba con viejos amigos.
- Just chatting with old friends.
Nunca se le ocurrió al niño mientras charlaba con el adulto preguntarle su nombre y dirección.
Never occurred to the child while chatting with the old man to ask his name and address.
Ella charlaba como si fueran amigos.
She was chatting like a friend.
La gente sonreía mientras charlaba;
People grinned as they chatted;
¡Pero si eras tú la que charlabas con todo tu clan!
You were chatting to your entire clan!
Charlaba con los invitados, sonriente, riendo.
She was chatting with the guests, beaming, laughing.
En la otra mesa Horacio charlaba con Aurora.
At the other table Horacio was chatting with Aurora.
La gente charlaba y gemía, entristecida.
People were chatting and groaning in commiseration.
Michael sonreía y charlaba con los jugadores.
Michael was grinning, chatting amicably with the players.
Su padre charlaba con Natalie entre los asaltos.
Dad chatted with Natalie between the rounds.
Vin escrutó los grupos de gente que charlaba.
Vin scanned the chatting groups.
Anne charlaba con las demás madres de familia.
Anne chatted with the other mothers.
Charlaba con luigi, ya que los defensores eran poco requeridos.
I was talking to luigi...
Así que permanecí escondido mientras charlaba con Anton.
So I remained hidden while you had your little talk with Anton.
(No se discutía, ni se charlaba de fútbol, ni se contaban chistes).
(There was no arguing, nor talk about football or telling jokes.)
- No, Arthur, tu charlabas.
~ No, Arthur, you were talking.
Hace apenas un momento charlaba con dos estudiantes.
Early this evening, I talked with two school children.
El tío era simpático, charlaba y tal.
I had a limousine driver, he was a nice guy, talking to me and shit.
Sí, conocía a algunos de esos hombres, charlaba con ellos, ¿saben?
Oh, yeah, I knew some of those fellas... just to talk to, you know?
Charlaba... con una mujer.
- He was talking with a woman.
Bebía cerveza y charlaba con sus amigos y yo me bañaba en el río.
He'd drink beer and talk with his friends while I went wading in the river.
Sí, es que sólo charlaba con los chicos.
I was just talking to the guys.
Por la noche se charlaba mucho.
At night there was lots of talk.
Charlaba con unos estudiantes.
He was talking to students.
Yo charlaba con Dirk.
Dirk and I were talking.
Miriam masticaba y charlaba.
Miriam chewed and talked.
De vez en cuando charlaba con Nevius.
He talked to Nevius now and then.
La gente cenaba y charlaba.
People were talking at dinner.
Todo el mundo charlaba y comía.
Everybody stood talking and eating.
Olga charlaba todo el tiempo.
Olga talked all the time.
Aún charlaba el orador;
My intendant was still talking of me.
Charlaba, dale y dale.
She chattered on and on.
La chica charlaba...
The girl was chattering.
Gail charlaba con las dos niñas.
Gail chattered to the two girls.
Un computador charlaba en voz baja para sí.
A computer chattered quietly to itself.
Margaret charlaba con sombría determinación.
Margaret had chattered away with grim determination.
Ajeno al peligro, Vendee charlaba cordialmente.
Oblivious to the danger, Vendee chattered cordially.
La gente charlaba, circulando entre los Mao y las Marilyn.
The crowd chattered, circulating among the Maos and Marilyns.
Más allá se había reunido una verdadera multitud que charlaba con entusiasmo.
Further on, a crowd was gathered, chattering excitedly.
La gente junto a la piedra charlaba y reía y bromeaba.
The people by the stone chattered and laughed and kidded around.
Mi sirvienta charlaba conmigo mientras me vestía.
My maid chattered to me while she dressed me.
Charlaba con alegría y nerviosismo cuando Edith les sirvió el té.
She chattered gaily and nervously while Edith brought in tea.
se sentía estúpido, y ella, evidentemente, también, a juzgar por la forma como charlaba.
so evidently did she, judging by the way she chattered.
- ¿No charlaba con ellos?
- You didn't visit with them?
A veces cogía la botella, le guiñaba un ojo, discutía o charlaba un poco con ella.
He visited with the bottle sometimes, winked at it, sparred with it, had a little chat with it.
Venía de cuando en cuando a visitarnos, charlaba largo y tendido con Hasán y Lliz;
Il venait de temps à autre nous rendre visite, s’entretenait longuement avec Hassan et Lliz ;
Siempre que hacía sus visitas o las recibía con la señora Butler, o iba a ver a su amiga predilecta, Anne Hampton, en el Hogar Confederado, o charlaba mientras tomaba café en el mercado, deseaba que Rhett pudiese verla.
Butler, or visiting her specially chosen friend, Anne Hampton, at the Confederate Home, or gossiping over coffee at the Market, Scarlett always wished that Rhett could see her.
Entonces no le había prestado mucha atención, pero durante sus dos últimas visitas al Centro de Celebridad, Annie había pasado un rato arriba mientras él charlaba en el bar y había vuelto a casa con panfletos y folletos.
He had not been paying much attention to it at the time, but during their last two visits to the Celebrity Center, Annie had spent some time upstairs while he was making conversation at the bar and had come home with pamphlets and flyers stuffed into her pocketbook.
Pasé un día o dos organizando las diferentes cosas que habíamos traído con nosotros, en particular mi equipo médico, mientras charlaba con las distintas mujeres que acudieron de visita a la cabaña de los Higgins, la que había sido nuestra primera cabaña, esa que construyeron Jamie e Ian cuando vinimos al cerro.
I spent a day or two in organizing the various things we had brought with us, in particular my medical equipment, while visiting with the various women who came to call at the Higginses’ cabin—our own first cabin, which Jamie and Ian had built when we first came to the Ridge.
Además... mientras tú charlabas con el segundón de Vince, yo estaba registrando su habitación.
Besides while you were gabbing with Vince's second fiddle, I was ransacking his room.
Y ya me habían hecho una oferta en firme hacia las diez —cuando yo charlaba con Paul de si puede albergar esperanzas o no—.
And I had an offer in hand by ten.” When I was gabbing with Paul about whether or not he’s truly hopeless.
Se había tomado una copa en el bar de Barney, mientras charlaba con el fornido camarero y veía el partido de los Phillies. Aquella noche el tema de conversación había sido la muerte del pobre Grady, a quien alguien había rebanado el cuello el fin de semana anterior. Había sido una lástima. Le caía bien aquel tipo.
They had dropped him off at Barney’s Tavern. He went in and had his drink, passed a few words with the muscle-bound bartender, watched a couple of innings of Phillies baseball on the TV, and listened while the curiously noisy crowd gabbed about old Grady getting his throat slashed the weekend before. It was a shame.
La gente no volvía tarde a su hogar, ni charlaba en el umbral.
People didn’t come home late, or natter to each other on doorsteps.
Y continuó pensativo mientras Arsenio charlaba a su lado.
      He stood in thought whilst, unheeded by him, Arsenio prattled at his elbow.
Mi madre cocinaba y charlaba, mi abuelo era severo pero amable, y la granja era próspera.
My mother cooked and prattled, my grandfather was severe but kindly, the farm prospered.
Nina Porus charlaba alegremente y el único aspecto normal de su conversación era su facultad para mantener un diálogo con suave eficiencia.
            Nina Porus prattled on gaily-the one normal aspect of her conversation being her ability to uphold both ends of a dialogue with smooth efficiency.
Beulah charlaba sin cesar, bromeando y riendo, hasta que las híbridas perdieron toda su timidez y se sintieron como si la hubiesen conocido toda la vida.
Beulah prattled away continuously, joking and chaffing, until the Tweenies had lost all their shyness and felt as if they had known her forever.
Klara charlaba de la nueva vida que crecía en ella, y de lo feliz que había hecho a Franz, y discutía los diferentes nombres de niño o niña.
Klara prattled on about the new life inside her, and how happy it had made Franz, and discussed the names being considered if the infant was a he or a she.
Naturalmente, siendo japonés, le resultaba fácil sonreír y poner expresión radiante ante Melanie, cuando ésta se colocaba en el umbral de su puerta y charlaba por los codos como una cabra loca.
Of course, being a Jap, it was easy for him to smile and beam at Melanie when she posted herself at his doorsill and prattled like a cracked nanny goat.
Ella misma se había invitado, se había presentado como una mujerona, ruidosa y rubicunda, en casa de una mujer a quien apenas conocía, pensando que la entendería, compadecería y consentiría, mientras ella charlaba de libertad, elecciones y París.
She had as good as invited herself here, had descended, like some great ruddy-faced raucous girl, on the home of a woman with whom she was barely acquainted, thinking to be understood and sympathised with and indulged, while she prattled of freedom, and choices, and Paris.
Charlaba con su novia.
He jawed with his girlfriend.
Y, cuando nos juntábamos, se reía y charlaba conmigo, pero se notaba que pensaba en otra cosa.
And when we did get together, he would laugh and jaw with me a little bit, but you could see he had his mind on other things.
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