Перевод для "atribuyeron" на английский
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Nueve casos se atribuyeron al M23.
Nine cases were attributed to M23.
Esto testimonia el interés que las delegaciones atribuyeron a su labor.
This is testimony to the interest delegations attributed to its work.
Las desapariciones se atribuyeron a las fuerzas militares rusas.
The disappearances were attributed to Russian military forces.
La mayoría de los incidentes se atribuyeron a jóvenes descontentos.
Most of the incidents were attributed to disaffected youths.
Los hechos se atribuyeron a las FARC-EP.
These actions were attributed to the FARC-EP.
Todas las desapariciones se atribuyeron al ejército ruso.
All disappearances were attributed to the Russian Army.
Las declaraciones que se le atribuyeron son pura mentira.
The statement attributed to him was a fabrication.
También se atribuyeron a este comando otros ataques.
Other attacks were also attributed to the cell.
La mayoría de esas violaciones se atribuyeron a grupos paramilitares.
Most of these violations were attributed to paramilitary groups.
De esas 698 muertes, 422 se atribuyeron a elementos antigubernamentales y 255 se atribuyeron a fuerzas nacionales e internacionales progubernamentales.
Of those 698 deaths, 422 were attributed to anti-Government elements, with 255 attributed to national and international pro-Government forces.
Durante la noche oyeron unos extraños ruidos que ellos atribuyeron al viento.
During the night they heard some strange noises which they attributed to the wind.
Por lo tanto, muchas veces, las luces en el cielo se atribuyeron a posibles visitantes de otros mundos.
So, often times, lights in the sky were attributed to possibly visitors from another world.
Los mares reciben sus nombres por los efectos que alguna vez se le atribuyeron a la Luna.
The seas are all named after effects that were once attributed to the Moon.
Los ataques se atribuyeron a la CIA.
The attacks were attributed to the CIA.
Los antiguos griegos, atribuyeron el terremoto al dios del mar, Poseidón.
The ancient Greeks attributed earthquakes to the god of the sea, Poseidon.
Los analistas le atribuyeron ese salto a dos factores.
Analysts attribute the jump to two factors.
Al memos 19 muertes, durante 7 años, se atribuyeron a Avatar.
As many as 19 murders over seven years were attributed to Avatar.
Mis colegas lo atribuyeron a los peces del río.
My colleagues attributed this to the fish in the lake.
Lo atribuyeron a violencia de bandas.
They attributed it to gang violence.
Ellas atribuyeron mi magia a una mujer.
So naturally, they attributed my magic to a woman.
Estas agresiones se atribuyeron a fantasmas y demonios.
The attacks were attributed to ghosts and demons.
Se le atribuyeron tres o cuatro incidentes, por lo menos.
There were at least three or four incidents attributed to him.
A Williams le atribuyeron títulos de nobleza y malas intenciones.
To Williams they attributed titles of nobility and bad intentions.
Se atribuyeron a un grupo de negros, pero no ha habido arrestos —les digo.
Attributed to black gang members but no arrests,” I tell them.
Las autoridades americanas atribuyeron su muerte a «causas accidentales».
The American authorities attributed his death to “accidental causes.”
Afortunadamente, todas lo atribuyeron a la emoción general por la noticia.
Lucky me, they all attributed it to the general excitement of the news.
Los técnicos lo atribuyeron a que Bill Gates se retorcía en su tumba.
Tech wits attributed it to Bill Gates spinning in his grave.
Atribuyeron los disturbios a una serie concreta de acontecimientos criminalmente generados.
They attributed the riot to a specific series of criminally spawned events.
Algunos atribuyeron su muerte a la extrema ansiedad que le provocaban los exámenes.
Some people attributed her death to extreme anxiety over her exams.
La mayoría de los antiguos Evocadores lo atribuyeron simplemente a la natural terquedad de las mujeres.
Most of the earlier Rememberers simply attributed it to the natural contrariness of all women.
Los lentos progresos en materia de matrícula y asistencia a menudo se atribuyeron a factores ajenos al control del PMA, por ejemplo los derechos de matrícula en la República Unida de Tanzanía o las huelgas de docentes en Guinea-Bissau, Kenya y Lesotho; en Kenya influyó asimismo la inseguridad relacionada con las elecciones.
Slow progress in enrolment and attendance was often ascribed to factors outside WFP's control: examples include school fees in the United Republic of Tanzania, and teachers' strikes in Guinea-Bissau, Kenya and Lesotho; insecurity related to elections was also a factor in Kenya.
Por último, las autoridades atribuyeron las violaciones citadas anteriormente y cometidas en el sur a los rebeldes.
Lastly, the violations referred to above that had been committed in the south were ascribed by the authorities to the rebels.
Las sumas no gastadas en las partidas de bienestar y dietas se atribuyeron al menor número de efectivos durante el período que se examina.
Unspent amounts under welfare and daily allowance were ascribed to the lower troop strength during the period under review.
En ambos casos confirmó al Grupo la nacionalidad que le atribuyeron sus captores congoleños.
In both cases, he confirmed to the Group the nationality ascribed to him by his Congolese captors.
Los hombres de mi grupo atribuyeron dichas acciones a soldados ingleses.
The men in my party ascribed the actions to English soldiers.
Su palidez la atribuyeron al tiempo.
Her paleness they ascribed to the weather.
Nunca encontraron el arma y los homicidios se atribuyeron al allanamiento de morada.
The weapon was never found, and the deaths were ascribed to a home invasion.
La revelación es la razón por la que Estados Unidos de América creía lo que algunos deístas atribuyeron al «sentido común».
Revelation is the reason why America believed what some Deists ascribed to “common sense.”
Los jefes enanos atribuyeron el abandono pacífico de los asentamientos humanos a la voluntad de los dioses, cosa que, en cierto modo, así era.
The dwarven chiefs ascribed the peaceful removal of the human settlements as the will of the gods, which—in a way—it was.
En los años siguientes se le atribuyeron numerosos crímenes, incluidos el rapto y posterior asesinato de muchachas y mujeres;
Thereafter, a great many crimes were ascribed to him, including the abduction of girls and women, and their subsequent murders;
La familia Brontë estaba convencida de que había sido amante de Branwell, y atribuyeron a su mala influencia su consiguiente comportamiento.
The Brontë family were convinced that she had been Branwell’s mistress, and ascribed his consequent behaviour to her evil influence.
Y luego, para que pudiera redimir sus actos, los autores de David le atribuyeron los poemas más conmovedores jamás escritos.
And then, to let him rest from what he had been, the authors of David ascribed to him the most plaintive poetry ever written.
los demás, si se percataron de ello, atribuyeron su expresión de dolor a la modestia de una doncella. —Pero, hablando en serio… —Icilio hizo una pausa;
the others, if they noticed, ascribed the pained look on her face to maidenly modesty. “But, more seriously—” Icilius paused;
Los pasajeros más reflexivos atribuyeron esta conducta al sol meridional, cuya fuerza, es bien sabido, debilita los vínculos naturales y los morales.
Reflective passengers ascribed such behaviour to the southern sun, whose power, it is known, weakens both natural and moral bonds.
Un matrimonio mayor recordaba que antes había sido mucho más vivaracha y extrovertida, pero atribuyeron el cambio al hecho de que se estuviera haciendo mayor.
One elderly couple remembered that she had been livelier and much more outgoing in the past, but they ascribed the change to her getting older. She had changed tremendously, they said.
En noviembre de 2010, se atribuyeron al Servicio Estatal de Migración las responsabilidades en materia de refugiados y solicitantes de asilo.
In November 2010, the State Migration Service (SMS) was assigned with responsibilities concerning refugees and asylum seekers.
Como arreglo provisional, las carteras de esos ministros se atribuyeron a otros ministros.
As an interim arrangement, the portfolios of the Ministers were assigned to other Ministers.
La mayor dificultad, tanto por el número de países que la notificaron como por la importancia que le atribuyeron, fueron las limitaciones financieras.
Financial constraints presented the greatest difficulty both in terms of the number of countries reporting this and the level of importance assigned.
4. El subsidio al arroz ha contribuido considerablemente a promover la igualdad en la distribución de la renta, lo que se refleja en las conclusiones del Estudio sobre el presupuesto del consumidor, de 1973, en que se atribuyeron valores monetarios a la ración gratuita de arroz y otros ingresos en especie.
4. Subsidized rice has appreciably contributed to promoting equality in income distribution. This is reflected in the findings of the Consumer Finances Survey of 1973 where monetary values were assigned to the free rice on the ration and other income in kind.
Del análisis de los tres últimos ciclos del e-PAS (véase el cuadro 4) se desprende que se atribuyeron calificaciones de nivel 1 y 2 a una proporción mayor de mujeres.
An analysis of the last three e-PAS cycles (see table 4) shows that a higher proportion of females were assigned category 1 and 2 ratings.
63. Las reformas constitucionales de 1978 transformaron el Consejo Nacional de Legislación en un órgano de 57 miembros elegidos en forma directa e indirecta y se le atribuyeron integralmente todas las funciones legislativas.
63. The 1978 constitutional reforms changed the National Legislative Council into a body which was composed of 57 members elected directly and indirectly and to which all legislative functions were assigned.
Se reabrieron causas sobreseídas por la aplicación del Decreto Ley de Amnistía y se atribuyeron a la justicia ordinaria procesos que antes estaban en la jurisdicción militar.
Cases were reopened through the application of the Amnesty Decree-Law and trials previously held in military courts were referred to the ordinary courts.
Quienes los aborrecían les atribuyeron el foetor gnosticus.
Their detractors referred to the fœtor gnosticus.
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