Перевод для "ahogarlo" на английский
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Ni medio ahogarlo en un retrete.
Nor to half drown him in the toilet.
¡Iban a ahogarlo en la sentina del barco!
They were going to drown him in the bilges of the ship!
Estas imágenes arrastran al observador sin ahogarlo.
These images carry the viewer along without drowning him.
–Habrá que ahogarlo -decían todos los días.
'We shall have to drown him...' they used to say every day.
Ahogarlo en el río cuando era chico.
I could have drowned him in the river when he was a kid.
El miedo se acumuló en su interior y amenazó con ahogarlo.
Fear welled within and threatened to drown him.
Intentó ahogarlo en la bañera cuando tenía tres años.
She tried to drown him in the bathtub when he was three.
¡Diablos, si todos le escupimos podríamos ahogarlo!
Heck, all of us spitting on him would be enough to drown him!
Pero para despertar sus recuerdos las hermanas habían tratado de ahogarle.
But to trigger his ghola memories, the Sisters had tried to drown him.
Su intensidad amenazaba con ahogarlo, hasta el punto de hacerle retroceder.
Its intensity threatened to drown him, it drove him back.
c) Huber Arévalo, a quien habrían tomado por el cuello con una toalla y arrastrado hasta una quebrada, donde le habrían introducido la cabeza en agua hasta casi ahogarlo.
(c) Huber Arévalo had been seized by the neck with a towel and dragged to a stream, where they had reportedly dipped his head in the water until he had almost drowned.
b) Danilo Lozano, a quien habrían llevado hasta un riachuelo y con una toalla le habrían apretado la boca y la nariz, mientras le vertían agua con una cantimplora hasta casi ahogarlo;
(b) Danilo Lozano was said to have been taken to a small stream, where with a towel they had stopped his mouth and nose, while they poured water from a flask until he had almost drowned;
Según parece, los soldados los golpearon en repetidas ocasiones, les envolvieron la cabeza en bolsas de plástico y trataron de ahogarlos en un arroyo.
The soldiers allegedly beat them repeatedly, tied plastic bags over their heads and attempted to drown them in a stream.
Se dijo también que a Valdemir Alves da Silva lo habían llevado a un arroyo cercano, donde le sumergieron la cabeza en el agua casi hasta ahogarle.
Valdemir Alves da Silva was also said to have been taken to a nearby stream where his head was submerged in water until he nearly drowned.
No puedes ahogarlo.
You can't drown it!
- Tenemos que ahogarlo.
We have to drown it.
Tenemos que ahogarlos.
We have to drown them.
¿Ibas a ahogarla?
You going to drown her?
- Vas a ahogarlo.
-You're gonna drown it.
Tengo ganas de ahogarla.
‘I want to drown her.’
Podríamos ahogarlos.
‘We could drown them.’
—Y tú lo que quieres es ahogarlos.
And you want to drown ’em.
¡Voy a ahogarlos a todos!
I'm going to drown them ALL!”
Ahogarlos mientras duermen.
‘To drown them in their sleep.’
—¡Iban a ahogarla en el cubo!
“They was going to drown it in the bucket!”
—Será mejor que lo ahoguemos. —¿Ahogarlo? —preguntó Josten—.
“We’d better drown it.” “Drown it?” Josten said.
—Bueno, no vamos a ahogarlo.
“Well, we ain’t going to drown it.
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