Перевод для "post-surgery" на итальянский
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If you'll excuse me, I'm going to treat myself to some post-surgery raisins.
Se vuoi scusarmi, mi concedero' un po' di uvetta post-operatoria.
That I needed a differential VQ scan, uh, post-surgery.
Che mi serviva una scansione di ventilazione-perfusione post operatoria.
Stroke's always a worry post-surgery, especially with the amount of trauma his body had been through.
L'ictus post-operatorio e' sempre in agguato, soprattutto dopo tutti quei traumi.
There's no need for concern yet, I've seen this before in non-athletic patients post-surgery.
Non dobbiamo ancora preoccuparci, l'ho gia' visto prima nel decorso post-operatorio di pazienti non sportivi.
So Mrs. Dayward is here for post-surgery rehab from a routine knee replacement.
La signora Dayward e' qui per... una riabilitazione post-operatoria per protesi al ginocchio.
Because there wasn't anything to see, but she could have had a post-surgery stroke or an evolving intracerebral contusion.
Ma potrebbe aver avuto un ictus post-operatorio, o una contusione intracerebrale in evoluzione.
What, you didn't know about the post-surgery ice-cream-eating protocol?
Non sapevi del protocollo post-operatorio del gelato? - No.
And post-surgery treatment requires antirejection steroids.
- E il trattamento post-operatorio richiede degli steroidi anti rigetto.
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