Перевод для "knock-outs" на итальянский
  • knock-out
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How many times you been knocked out, Terry?
Quante volte ti hanno messo knock-out?
Yeah, he was quite a boxer. 46 and 1, every victory a knock-out.
- Gia', era decisamente un pugile. - 46 vittorie e 1 sconfitta, ogni vittoria per knock-out.
If you send Komlnek to the gas chamber, people will say it's because of the knock-out.
Se mandi Kominek alla camera a gas, in giro si dirà... che Kraft l'ha fatto... per il knock out.
Specialty games have a ton of variations, from around the world to taps to knock-out, but the most universally recognised one is horse.
Queste versioni del gioco hanno tantissime varianti, da "around the world", a "taps" a "knock-out", ma la più conosciuta in assoluto è HORSE.
Fuss is knocked out, but it's OK.
Fuss e' 'knock out', ma sta bene.
Knock-out, wasn't it?
Il knock-out, dici?
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