Перевод для "upsettings" на испанский
Примеры перевода
-It's definitely an upset.
- Es definitivamente una molestia.
Yes, I understand that you're upset.
Sí, entiendo su molestia.
- I don't understand why you're so upset.
- No comprendo tu molestia.
And the upset.
Y la molestia.
Upset goes to my bladder.
Molestias en mi vejiga.
The reason that I was upset:
La razón de esa molestia:
- I understand you're upset...
- Entiendo tu molestia.
This is not upset, Zach.
Esto no es molestia, Zach.
My tone is upset, Mom.
Mi tono es de molestia, mamá.
Real upset here.
Gran molestia aquí.
“No ma’am, just upset.”
—No, tía, solo es una molestia.
I do not want to upset you.
No deseo causarle molestias.
I didn’t mean to upset you;
No quería causarle molestias;
I have upset you many times.
Te he ocasionado muchas molestias.
I try to avoid upsetting her, sir.
–Procuro evitarle molestias, señor.
She seems to have been pretty upset by something she didn’t do.’
Me parece que se tomó demasiadas molestias para algo que no hizo.
Behind the upset or anger lies issues of survival and intense fear.
Detrás de su rabia o su molestia hay problemas de supervivencia y de temor intenso.
‘Someone’s gone to a lot of trouble to get everyone involved in this caper very upset.’
Alguien se está tomando muchas molestias para hacer desaparecer a todos los que han participado en este trabajito.
'The Fikhrer would be upset if he thought I inconvenienced you.' 'Oh, very well.
El Führer se incomodaría si supiese que yo le provoqué molestias. —Oh, está bien.
“I’m sorry for being the cause of all these upsets,” said Qassem contritely, and made him sit down.
Qásem le hizo sentarse y se disculpó: —Perdóname la molestia que te he causado.
OK, that tells me you'd be upset if I got hit by a bus.
Vale, eso me dice que estarías triste si me atropella un autobús.
a girl that you hit with your car in a dream-- which, by the way, means you didn't really hit her-- why don't you get a head start on that and get upset about that now rather
Una niña que atropellas con tu auto en un sueño que, por cierto no es que realmente la atropellaste. ¿Por qué no te adelantas a eso y te molestas ahora también?
She was very upset that the man's wife might've been killed outside her apartment, though she remembered nothing of any fatal accidents in the area.
Quedó horrorizada al saber que su esposa podía haber muerto delante de su casa, aunque no recordaba ningún atropello mortal en esa zona.
I walked out, and I was feeling rather indignant and wrapped up in my own thoughts and what I should do, and would I have to go to some awful butcher, and how I was going to give Lawrence hell when I got hold of him, and the long and the short of it is that I was so upset that I walked straight across the Bayswater Road and got knocked down by a bus.
Salí de la consulta muy indignada y absorta en mis pensamientos, en qué debía hacer, en que tendría que ir a uno de esos horribles carniceros, y en que le iba a armar una buena a Lawrence cuando lo cogiera por banda. En resumidas cuentas, iba tan alterada que crucé sin mirar Bayswater Road, y me atropelló un autobús.
He carried his exploits to her immediate vicinity; came war-whooping around, snatched a boy's cap, hurled it to the roof of the schoolhouse, broke through a group of boys, tumbling them in every direction, and fell sprawling, himself, under Becky's nose, almost upsetting her—and she turned, with her nose in the air, and he heard her say: "Mf!
Trasladó el campo de sus hazañas a la inmediata vecindad de la niña: llegó lanzando el grito de guerra de los indios, arrebató a un chico la gorra y la tiró al tejado de la escuela, atropelló por entre un grupo de muchachos, tumbándolos cada uno por su lado, se dejó caer de bruces delante de Becky, casi haciéndola vacilar.
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