Перевод для "squabbling" на испанский
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they knew that squabbling was beneath them.
sabían que reñir no era digno de ellas.
I’m not going to squabble with him or anyone.
No voy a reñir con él ni con nadie.
Why squabble over these old, broken-down cities?
¿Por qué reñir por aquellas ciudades viejas y destrozadas?
There are two couples down by the hearth, squabbling and bickering.
Hay dos parejas junto a la chimenea, venga a reñir y pelear.
“Cut out the squabbling,” Hank said, shoving Pete.
—Basta ya de reñir —ordenó Hank, dando un empujón a Pete.
You and your missus can finish your squabbling when we get through.
Su señora y usted ya acabarán de reñir cuando hayamos terminado.
Tired of constantly fighting . weary of squabbling with you.’ He was lying.
Cansado de luchar constantemente… harto de reñir contigo. —Estaba mintiendo—.
For now, the Vedens see the truth: We cannot squabble over details during an invasion.
Por el momento, los veden comprenden la verdad: que no podemos reñir por los detalles durante una invasión.
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