Перевод для "quick-tempered" на испанский
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You have a quick temper and will make or break your own destiny.
Tenéis el genio vivo y os forjáis o destruis vuestro propio destino.
At the hospital, Hall was known as a swift, quick-tempered, and unpredictable surgeon.
En el hospital, Hall tenía fama de cirujano rápido, dotado de un genio vivo e imprevisible.
They were a proud, feisty bunch–some said much too proud--with quick tempers.
Formaba un grupo orgulloso, decidido —algunos decían que demasiado orgulloso—, de genio vivo.
The shy, giggly little girl had become a sultry woman, dark-haired and sensual, strong-willed and quick-tempered.
La tímida y risueña chiquilla era ahora una mujer voluptuosa, morena y sensual, de voluntad férrea y genio vivo.
But when he saw these three doing as they would with his father he grew angry, for he was of a quick temper, and he said,
Sin embargo, cuando se dio cuenta de que aquellos tres manejaban a su padre como querían, montó en cólera, pues era de genio vivo, y dijo:
Another officer from their battalion had got there before him—Captain Pearson, the adjutant, a bluff, stocky Englishman with a booming voice and a quick temper.
Se le adelantó otro oficial de su batallón: el capitán Pearson, el ayudante, un inglés campechano, bajo y fornido, con voz de trueno y genio vivo.
He was a big boy, Tom thought proudly, and he had a big appetite and a quick temper, and if that was a sin, then half the adolescent boys in the world were damned.
Era un muchacho grande, se dijo orgulloso Tom, con un gran apetito y un genio vivo, y si eso fuera pecado entonces la mitad de los adolescentes del mundo estarían condenados.
So far he had kept his quick temper under control, aware that he would do nothing to help Keridil by losing it, but his patience was running out.
Hasta ahora, había conseguido dominar su genio vivo, consciente de que no le haría ningún favor a Keridil si perdía los estribos, pero su paciencia se estaba agotando.
I had a close friend there among the émigré crowd, a certain Kashmarin, with whom I subsequently quarreled, an extremely rough and quick-tempered fellow, even if he did cool off fast and was kind in his own way.
Tenía allí un amigo íntimo entre el grupo de emigrados, un tal Kashmarin, con el que más tarde me peleé, un tipo sumamente bruto y de genio vivo, aunque se calmaba rápidamente y a su manera era amable.
It was never made clear in what Sebastian's functions, help or duties lay, or if he was merely supposed to hover around, to fetch things when needed and to be nice to Larissa, who had a quick temper and was not easily soothed.
Nunca se aclaró en qué consistían las funciones, deberes o auxilios de Sebastian, o si tan sólo le correspondía estar alerta para alcanzar cosas cuando eran necesarias y ser amable con Larissa, de genio vivo y difícil de calmar.
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