Перевод для "quebracho" на испанский
Примеры перевода
Tannin is extracted from the red quebracho.
Del quebracho colorado se extrae el tanino.
That's double-reinforced quebracho.
Es quebracho doblemente reforzado.
“In Quebracho Herrado,” the old man murmured, nodding.
– En Quebracho Herrado -murmuraba el viejo, asintiendo.
“It would have been better if they’d killed me in Quebracho Herrado,”
Mejor habría sido que me mataran en Quebracho Herrado
“It would have been better if they’d killed him in Quebracho Herrado,” the old man murmured.
– Hubiera sido mejor que lo mataran en Quebracho Herrado -murmuró el viejo.
Grandfather held out in Quebracho Herrado till they were down to the last cannon ball, covering Lavalle’s retreat.
Abuelo aguantó en Quebracho Herrado hasta la última bala de cañón, cubriendo la retirada de Lavalle.
The lower jaw hung down, quivering: “Uncle Panchito and grandfather, run through with lances in Quebracho Herrado,”
La mandíbula inferior cuelga y temblequea: "Tío Panchito y abuelo lanceados en Quebracho Herrado", murmura, como asintiendo.
It would have been better if they’d killed him in Quebracho Herrado too, the way they killed Panchito and grandfather Patricio, I do believe that.”
Mejor habría sido que lo mataran también en Quebracho Herrado, como a tío Panchito y al abuelo Patricio. Ya lo creo".
Noises filter through the forest: the trees strangling one another, quebracho branches snapped by the wind and baring their bright red hearts.
Me llegan los sonidos dilatados por el hueco del bosque, los árboles estrangulados unos sobre otros, las ramas volteadas por el viento que exhiben el rojo corazón de los quebrachos.
If they’d killed him in Quebracho Herrado they wouldn’t have beheaded him here, at the very moment that he was hoping to see his wife and daughter again.”
Si lo hubieran matado en Quebracho Herrado 110 lo hubieran degollado aquí, en el momento en que esperaba ver a su mujer y a su hija.
Because if they had killed Second Lieutenant Celedonio Olmos in Quebracho Herrado, as they had killed his brother and his father, or if they had beheaded him in front of the house, as they had Colonel Acevedo, she would not have been born, and at this moment she would not be there in that room, remembering that past.
Porque si a su tatarabuelo el alférez Celedonio Olmos lo matan en Quebracho Herrado, como a su hermano y a su padre, o lo degüellan frente a la casa, como al coronel Acevedo, ella no habría nacido y en ese momento no estaría allí en aquella habitación, rememorando aquel pasado.
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