Перевод для "philometor" на испанский
  • filometor
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    A second soldier called out: “One of the dead men is Philometor the Mykene.
—Uno de los muertos es Filométor el Micénico —advirtió un segundo soldado—.
King Ptolemy VI Philometor gave the Onians a large tract of land as their own in return for an annual tribute and soldiers for the Egyptian army.
El rey Tolomeo VI Filometor cedió a los onienses una amplia franja de tierra a cambio de un tributo anual y soldados para el ejército egipcio.
Even though Syria was a rich kingdom, King Antiochus IV lusted after the neighboring kingdom of Egypt, where his cousins Ptolemy Philometor, Ptolemy Euergetes Gross Belly, and Cleopatra (being the second Cleopatra, she had a number after her name also, and was known as Cleopatra II) ruled together. I wish I could say they ruled in happy harmony, but they did not.
Aunque Siria era un reino rico, el rey Antioco IV codiciaba el reino vecino de Egipto, en el que reinaban conjuntamente sus primos Tolomeo Filometor, Tolomeo Evergetes (Gran Vientre) y Cleopatra (como era la segunda Cleopatra, tuvo también varias descendientes con su nombre, ella era Cleopatra II).
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