Перевод для "palpating" на испанский
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She's still alive, but I can barely palpate her pulse.
Todavía está viva, pero apenas puedo palpar el pulso.
There's pain on palpation?
¿Hay dolores al palpar?
I can palpate a good window.
Puedo palpar una buena ventana.
I can palpate the tumor.
Puedo palpar el tumor.
- Want to palpate the orbit?
- ¿Quieres palpar la órbita?
Palpate the baby.
Palpar el bebé.
You have to be able to palpate the spine to know where to go.
Debes palpar la columna para punzar.
- Palpate the SCM.
- Palpar el músculo SCM.
Use your right hand to palpate the nodes.
Usa la mano derecha para palpar los ganglios.
- I'm just gonna palpate your abdomen.
- Voy a palpar tu abdomen.
As she palpated the squeezers, one of the polygons became a window.
—Al palpar los mandos, uno de los polígonos se convirtió en una ventana.
Palpating, Auntie Claire called it, a word that always made Ian smile.
Palpar, lo llamaba la tía Claire, una palabra que siempre lo hacía sonreír.
Galileo Gall discovered it almost the very first moment that he was able to palpate the guide.
Galileo Gall lo descubrió apenas pudo palpar al guía.
It was like trying to palpate a patient’s swollen liver when one had already proved that it hurt.
Era como intentar palpar el hígado inflamado de un paciente cuando ya habías demostrado que dolía.
With the going of the last lamp, what was left could not be imagined, let alone seen or palpated.
Con la desaparición de la última lámpara, lo que quedó ya no se pudo imaginar y tanto menos ver o palpar.
Each of us gripped the other’s upper arms, and palpated what there was to palpate there, initiating, I suppose, an exploration from the very beginning of what sorts of devices we might be.
Nos agarramos de los brazos y nos palpamos lo que había allí para palpar, iniciando, supongo, una exploración desde el principio mismo de la clase de mecanismos en que pudiésemos consistir.
I was ushered into an examination room where the lesion was inspected by a gaggle of earnest medical students, who took turns peering, palpating, and asking questions.
Me guiaron a una sala de exámenes en la que una bandada de estudiantes de medicina inspeccionó la lesión, tomándose turnos para asomarse, palpar y hacer preguntas.
He even began to palpate and pinch my numb flesh, softly chortling with wonder at how little there was of it over my big bones.
Comenzó incluso a palpar y pellizcar mi carne entumecida, riendo suavemente entre dientes, asombrado de que quedara tan poca sobre mis grandes huesos.
            Fafhrd drew his wrist closer to his eyes to admire his prize, but mostly to palpate his pouch with the fingers of his other hand, to assure himself that it bulged as tightly as ever.
Fafhrd acercó la muñeca a sus ojos para admirar el premio, pero sobre todo para palpar su bolsa con los dedos de la otra mano y asegurarse de que estaba tan herméticamente cerrada como antes.
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