Перевод для "omnibuses" на испанский
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Six pairs of socks, three Harry Potter omnibuses.
Seis pares de calcetines, tres autobuses de Harry Potter.
of the vans, the lorries and the motor omnibuses.
de los camiones, camionetas y autobuses.
"Will the omnibuses be running as usual?" Eleanor asked as they stood there.
—¿Funcionan como de costumbre los autobuses? —preguntó Eleanor.
The faces faded; the omnibuses suddenly lost their glow.
Los rostros se difuminaron, los autobuses de repente perdie­ron su brillo.
Think we must. Let us think in offices; in omnibuses;
Debemos pensar. Pensemos mientras estamos en las oficinas, en los autobuses;
"I-A has a profitable sideline selling omnibuses," Stetson said.
—El I-A tiene una filial que vende autobuses —respondió Stetson—.
Vans, motor-cars, motor omnibuses were streaming down the hill.
Camiones, automóviles y autobuses descendían por la colina.
He took Sara's arm and made her cross between the omnibuses.
Cogió a Sara del brazo y la obligó a cruzar entre los autobuses.
all the time the motor omnibuses were turning their wheels and changing their gear;
en todo momento giraban las ruedas de los autobuses y su motor cambiaba la marcha;
He delights in everything he sees, in the crowd of people, in the new omnibuses, in the seashore ...
Se deleita con todo lo que ve: las aglomeraciones de gente, los nuevos autobuses, la orilla del mar…».
He scampered up the winding steps of the omnibuses to see from the top deck.
Subió las angostas escalerillas de caracol de los autobuses para ver la ciudad desde el piso superior.
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