Перевод для "middle-of-the-night" на испанский
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That was on 16 December 1992. It was in the middle of the night.
Fue el 16 de diciembre de 1992, en la mitad de la noche.
"Sometimes, they would wake us up in the middle of the night, like 2 o'clock in the morning, and they would take a head count of the prisoners.
A veces nos despertaban en la mitad de la noche, a eso de las 2 de la mañana y contaban a los presos.
On a third occasion, some 15 armed Palestinians forcibly broke into an UNRWA school compound in the middle of the night.
En otra ocasión, unos 15 palestinos armados irrumpieron en un complejo escolar del OOPS en la mitad de la noche.
The two victims told the Commission that they were arrested in the middle of the night of 1 August by Israeli soldiers.
Las dos víctimas dijeron a la Comisión que fueron arrestadas en mitad de la noche del 1º de agosto por soldados de Israel.
Israeli police or IDF soldiers go to the houses in the middle of the night, wake up the targeted children and take them away for questioning.
La policía israelí o los soldados de las FDI llegan en mitad de la noche a las casas, despiertan a los niños buscados y se los llevan para interrogarlos.
Meanwhile, Palestinian children are routinely arrested in the middle of the night and taken off to military detention.
Al mismo tiempo, muchos niños palestinos son habitualmente detenidos en mitad de la noche y llevados a centros de detención militares.
According to reports, he was subsequently released in the middle of the night and was threatened by the three policemen, against whom he had said he would lodge a complaint.
Según parece, lo pusieron en libertad en mitad de la noche después de que los tres policías a los que había manifestado su intención de presentar una denuncia lo amenazaran.
Staff continue sporadically to receive threatening and harassing telephone calls in their hotel rooms in the middle of the night.
El personal sigue recibiendo ocasionalmente llamados telefónicos en sus hoteles, en mitad de la noche, con amenazas y expresiones hostiles.
He had seen how even children had been tortured and how people at death's door had been taken away to an unknown destination in the middle of the night.
Presenció incluso torturas infligidas a niños y el traslado de presos moribundos a lugares desconocidos en mitad de la noche.
It is said that army forces enter people's houses in the middle of the night to collect them for the forced labour, and those who refused have been beaten.
Se cuenta que las fuerzas armadas entran en las casas de los habitantes en mitad de la noche para llevárselos a los trabajos forzosos y apalean a los que se niegan a hacerlo.
The police have prescribed clearly in their own regulation that they shall avoid conducting the interrogation of a suspect in the middle of the night or for a long period of time, except when there are unavoidable reasons.
La policía ha establecido con claridad en su propia reglamentación que se debe evitar interrogar a los sospechosos a media noche o durante prolongados períodos, excepto cuando existan razones que lo justifiquen.
Children are often arrested at home in the middle of the night or early hours of morning, and a confession obtained during interrogation is almost invariably the sole piece of primary evidence used by the prosecution.
A menudo los niños son arrestados en sus hogares a media noche o de madrugada, y la confesión obtenida durante el interrogatorio es casi invariablemente la única prueba principal que utiliza la fiscalía.
Unless they have compelling reasons, they refrain from interrogating suspects during the middle of the night or for long hours.
Salvo que existan razones de peso, se evita interrogar a los sospechosos a media noche o durante muchas horas.
These were the thoughts of the middle of the night.
Estos fueron mis pensamientos a media noche.
At your house in the middle of the night?
—¿En tu casa y a media noche?
Stealing water in the middle of the night.
—Robas agua a media noche.
It’s the middle of the night and I am completely awake.
Es media noche y estoy desvelado.
Its the middle of the night, Flute, he objected.
–Es media noche, Flauta -objetó.
She wakes up in the middle of the night screaming.
Tiene pesadillas y se despierta a media noche gritando.
You know I prefer not to eat in the middle of the night.
—Sabes que no me gusta comer a media noche.
Humlin did not want company in the middle of the night.
Jesper Humlin no quería visitas a media noche.
In the middle of the night, the detainees knocked on the door, but no one was able to open it for them.
En medio de la noche, los encerrados golpearon la puerta, pero nadie les abrió.
It is paid by the Israeli girl in Sderot who closes her eyes in fear that a rocket will take her life in the middle of the night.
Lo paga la niña israelí en Sderot que cierra los ojos temerosa de que un cohete le quite la vida en medio de la noche.
The staff members were often released without their identity papers and sometimes in remote locations and in the middle of the night during curfew hours.
Con frecuencia fueron puestos en libertad sin sus documentos de identidad y a veces en lugares alejados, en medio de la noche, durante las horas del toque de queda.
It is reported that Muhammad Bazar Abdallah went up on the roof of his house, after hearing noises in the middle of the night.
Se informa de que él subió al techo de su casa porque oyó un ruido en medio de la noche.
Sometimes they were woken up in the middle of the night.
A veces, las deportaciones se efectuaron en medio de la noche.
Their houses were searched in the middle of the night and were showered with stones.
Sus casas eran allanadas en medio de la noche y apedreadas.
This problem would have been even more complicated had it been encountered during a journey or in the middle of the night.
El problema habría sido aun más complicado si hubiera surgido durante un viaje o en medio de la noche.
Thirty per cent of children reported being aggressively taken into custody in the middle of the night by armed Israeli soldiers.
El 30% de los niños dijeron haber sido detenidos de manera agresiva en medio de la noche por soldados israelíes armados.
Hundreds of men, women and children were forced to run seeking for shelter in the middle of the night.
Cientos de hombres, mujeres y niños se vieron obligados a correr para buscar refugio en medio de la noche.
Palestinian children were routinely arrested in the middle of the night by Israeli soldiers and locked in solitary confinement for days or weeks at a time.
Los niños palestinos son arrestados en forma habitual en medio de la noche por soldados israelíes y recluidos en régimen de aislamiento durante días o semanas.
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