Перевод для "joggling" на испанский
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The camera was being joggled or jostled by unprofessional hands.
Sostenía la cámara —o la hacía traquetear— una mano poco profesional.
The PTV was a snub-nosed, short-winged little rocket with a cargo pod tucked under its belly that swallowed his equipment.  It carried another armored passenger of impressive dimensions whose every movement joggled the PTV.  They were strapped in securely and on their way across a glowing, pitted landscape before Lutt made identification through the thick faceplate.
El VTP era un pequeño cohete de morro breve y alas cortas, provisto en la panza de una ranura, acceso a un compartimento de carga, que se abrió y engulló el material transmisor de Lutt. Transportaba ya a un pasajero de descomunales proporciones cada uno de cuyos movimientos, entorpecidos por el rígido traje de inceram, hacían traquetear al vehículo.
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