Перевод для "hinting" на испанский
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In his prior reports, the current Rapporteur had demonstrated a reluctance to condemn terrorism, suggesting that there is currently no legal basis for censuring suicide terrorism (which at most violates an "emerging norm of international law"), and hinting at a sneaking admiration for those firing kassam missiles on civilians as "demonstrating daring and prowess".
En sus informes anteriores, el actual Relator se había mostrado reticente a condenar el terrorismo, dando a entender que no existían fundamentos jurídicos para censurar los atentados suicidas (que a lo sumo violaban una "nueva norma del derecho internacional") e insinuando su secreta admiración por quienes disparaban cohetes Kassam contra civiles "dando muestra de audacia y destreza".
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