Перевод для "formal-wear" на испанский
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This is Saiyan formal wear-
Ésta es ropa formal de un Saiyajin.
- I've always been a fan of formal wear.
- Soy un admirador de la ropa formal.
The dancing, the formal wear.
El baile, la ropa formal.
- What's with the formal wear?
¿Por qué la ropa formal?
No. I have no formal wear with me.
No tengo ropa formal conmigo.
We need someone in formal wear.
Necesitamos a alguien con ropa formal.
A pig in formal wear?
¿Un cerdo con ropa formal?
Formal wear doesn't work for the desert.
La ropa formal no funciona para el desierto.
With a suitcase full of formal wear?
¿Con una maleta llena de ropa formal?
Shove the formal wear.
Deshazte de la ropa formal.
even formal wear did not demand them anymore.
incluso la ropa formal ya no las exigía.
Dozens of masked Downworlders in formal wear who had been standing near the walls converged on the floor.
Docenas de subterráneos enmascarados en ropa formal que habían estado de pie cerca de las paredes y se dirigían a la pista.
Two of his people were moving the big crate marked FORMAL WEAR into Avasarala’s room.
Dos de sus hombres estaban trasladando una caja grande con un letrero que rezaba ROPA FORMAL hacia la habitación de Avasarala.
Her recon suit was in a large crate marked FORMAL WEAR and being loaded onto the Mao yacht even as they waited.
Su armadura de reconocimiento estaba en una caja grande etiquetada como ROPA FORMAL que ya estarían cargando en el yate de Mao mientras esperaban.
She soon afterward gave me a black-tie dinner jacket as a present to take to Oxford, being sure that I’d need formal wear for all the Union debates and other high-toned events at which I would doubtless be starring.
Poco después me regaló un esmoquin con corbata negra para Oxford, segura de que necesitaría ropa formal para todos los debates de la Union y otros actos de elevada categoría que sin duda iba a protagonizar.
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