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In a one generation reproduction feeding study, they showed that HBCD-induced loss in hearing function was paralleled by changes in dopamine dependent behaviour (Lilienthal et al. 2009).
En un estudio sobre reproducción, demostraron que la pérdida de la función auditiva inducida por el HBCD, administrado a través del alimento, iba acompañada de cambios producidos en el comportamiento que depende de la dopamina (Lilienthal y otros, 2009).
Co-author of: "Evidence for inhibition by brain serotonin of mouse killing behaviour in rats", Nature, 1971; "Evidence for dopamine receptors mediating sedation in the mouse brain", Nature, 1976; "Postsynaptic receptors are not essential for dopaminergic feedback regulation", Nature, 1977; "Localization of nigral dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase on neurons originating from the corpus striatum", Science, 1977; "Intranigral kainic acid is evidence that nigral nondopaminergic neurones control posture", Nature, 1977; "Drugs abused by humans preferentially increase synaptic dopamine concentrations in the mesolimbic system of freely moving rats", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1988; "Intravenous cocaine, morphine, and amphetamine preferentially increase extracellular dopamine in the `shell' as compared with the `core' of the rat nucleus accumbens", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1995; "Effects of nicotine on the nucleus accumbens and similarity to those of addictive drugs", Nature, 1996; "Cannabinoid and heroin activation of mesolimbic dopamine transmission by a common mu1 opioid receptor mechanism", Science, 1977.
Coautor de: "Evidence for inhibition by brain serotonin of mouse killing behaviour in rats", Nature, 1971; "Evidence for dopamine receptors mediating sedation in the mouse brain", Nature, 1976; "Postsynaptic receptors are not essential for dopaminergic feedback regulation", Nature, 1977; "Localization of nigral dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase on neurons originating from the corpus striatum", Science, 1977; "Intranigral kainic acid is evidence that nigral non-dopaminergic neurones control posture", Nature, 1977; "Drugs abused by humans preferentially increase synaptic dopamine concentrations in the mesolimbic system of freely moving rats", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1988; "Intravenous cocaine, morphine, and amphetamine preferentially increase extracellular dopamine in the `shell' as compared with the `core' of the rat nucleus accumbens", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1995; "Effects of nicotine on the nucleus accumbens and similarity to those of addictive drugs", Nature, 1996; "Cannabinoid and heroin activation of mesolimbic dopamine transmission by a common mu1 opioid receptor mechanism", Science, 1977.
Co-author of the Italian Ministry of Interior of the National Report on Drug Abuse for the European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction; referee of five international journals on substance abuse and psychiatry; contributed to over 40 publications in scientific medical journals (1994-2005), including: "Aggressive responding in abstinent heroin addicts: neuroendocrine and personality correlates", Progress in Psycho-Neuropharmacology and Biology; "Substance use among high-school students: relationship with temperament, personality traits and parental care perception", Substance Use and Misuse, 2004; "Long-term methadone maintenance effectiveness: psychosocial and pharmacological variables", Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2003; "Effects of ecstacy on dopamine system function in humans", Behavioural Brain Research, 2002; "Intravenous flumazemil versus oxazepam tapering in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal: a randomized placebo-controlled study", Addiction Biology, 2002; Quaglio G., Lugoboni F., Fornasiero A., Lechi A., Gerra G., Mezzelani P. "Dependence on zolpidem: two case reports of detoxification with flumazenil infusion", International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2005; Berto D., Tartari M., Tabacchi B., Gerra G., Tamburino G., "Dual diagnosis within Italian prisons -- some preliminary data", International Journal of Prisoners Health, 2005.
Coautor del Informe Nacional sobre el Uso Indebido de Drogas elaborado por el Ministerio Italiano del Interior para el Observatorio Europeo de la Droga y las Toxicomanías; evaluador de cinco publicaciones internacionales sobre abuso de sustancias y psiquiatría; contribución en más de 40 publicaciones en revistas científicas de medicina (1994-2005), entre las que cabe mencionar: "Aggressive responding in abstinent heroin addicts: neuroendocrine and personality correlates", Progress in Psycho-Neuropharmacology and Biology; "Substance use among high-school students: relationship with temperament, personality traits and parental care perception", Substance Use and Misuse, 2004; "Long-term methadone maintenance effectiveness: psychosocial and pharmacological variables", Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2003; "Effects of ecstacy on dopamine system function in humans", Behavioural Brain Research, 2002; "Intravenous flumazemil versus oxazepam tapering in the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal: a randomized placebo-controlled study", Addiction Biology, 2002; Quaglio G., Lugoboni F., Fornasiero A., Lechi A., Gerra G., Mezzelani P., "Dependence on zolpidem: two case reports of detoxification with flumazenil infusion", International Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2005; Berto D., Tartari M., Tabacchi B., Gerra G., Tamburino G., "Dual diagnosis within Italian prisons - some preliminary data", International Journal of Prisoners Health, 2005.
More than 170 papers and chapters in internationally, broadly available journals and books, inter alia: In the Age of Intoxicants, ISBN 9949-11-214-1; 317 pages), Tartu University Press, 2006 (monograph, in Estonian); S. Oreland, K. Raudkivi, L. Oreland, J. Harro, L. Arborelius and I. Nylander, "Ethanol-induced effects on the dopamine and serotonin systems in adult Wistar rats are dependent on early-life experiences", Brain Research (2011) 1405, 57-68; L. Merenäkk, J. Mäestu, N. Nordquist, J. Parik, L. Oreland, H.-M. Loit and J. Harro, "Effects of the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) and α2A-adrenoceptor (C-1291G) genotypes on substance use in children and adolescents: a longitudinal study", Psychopharmacology (2011) 215, 13-22; J. Harro, "Inter-individual differences in neurobiology as vulnerability factors for affective disorders: implications for psychopharmacology", Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2010) 125, 402-422; A. L. Garcia-Garcia, N. Elizalde, D. Matrov, J. Harro, S. M. Wojcik, E. Venzala, M. J. Ramirez, J. Del Rio and R. M. Tordera, "Increased vulnerability to depressive-like behaviour of mice with decreased expression of VGLUT1", Biological Psychiatry (2009) 66, 275-282; A. Alttoa, M. Eller, L. Herm, A. Rinken and J. Harro, "Amphetamine-induced locomotion, behavioural sensitization to amphetamine, and striatal D2 receptor function in rats with high or low spontaneous exploratory activity: differences in the role of locus coeruleus", Brain Research (2007) 1131, 138-148.
Más de 170 artículos y capítulos en revistas y libros de amplia circulación internacional, entre otros, En la era de los estupefacientes, ISBN 9949-11-214-1, 317 páginas, Tartu University Press, 2006 (monografía en estonio); S. Oreland, K. Raudkivi, L. Oreland, J. Harro, L. Arborelius e I. Nylander, "Ethanol-induced effects on the dopamine and serotonin systems in adult Wistar rats are dependent on early-life experiences", Brain Research (2011) 1405: 57 a 68; L. Merenäkk, J. Mäestu, N. Nordquist, J. Parik, L. Oreland, H.-M. Loit y J. Harro, "Effects of the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) and α2A-adrenoceptor (C-1291G) genotypes on substance use in children and adolescents: a longitudinal study", Psychopharmacology (2011) 215: 13 a 22; J. Harro, "Inter-individual differences in neurobiology as vulnerability factors for affective disorders: implications for psychopharmacology", Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2010) 125: 402 a 422; A. L. García-García, N. Elizalde, D. Matrov, J. Harro, S. M. Wojcik, E. Venzala, M. J. Ramírez, J. Del Río y R. M. Tordera, "Increased vulnerability to depressive-like behaviour of mice with decreased expression of VGLUT1", Biological Psychiatry (2009) 66: 275 a 282; A. Alttoa, M. Eller, L. Herm, A. Rinken y J. Harro, "Amphetamine-induced locomotion, behavioural sensitization to amphetamine, and striatal D2 receptor function in rats with high or low spontaneous exploratory activity: differences in the role of locus coeruleus", Brain Research (2007) 1131: 138 a 148.
More than 170 papers and chapters in internationally, broadly available journals and books, inter alia: In the Age of Intoxicants, ISBN 9949-11-214-1; 317 pages), Tartu University Press, 2006 (monograph, in Estonian); S. Oreland, K. Raudkivi, L. Oreland, J. Harro, L. Arborelius and I. Nylander, "Ethanol-induced effects on the dopamine and serotonin systems in adult Wistar rats are dependent on early-life experiences" Brain Research (2011) 1405, 57-68; L. Merenäkk, J. Mäestu, N. Nordquist, J. Parik, L. Oreland, H.-M. Loit and J. Harro, "Effects of the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) and α2A-adrenoceptor (C-1291G) genotypes on substance use in children and adolescents: a longitudinal study", Psychopharmacology (2011) 215, 13-22; J. Harro, "Inter-individual differences in neurobiology as vulnerability factors for affective disorders: implications for psychopharmacology".
Más de 170 artículos y capítulos en revistas y libros de amplia circulación internacional que incluyen, entre otros, In the Age of Intoxicants, ISBN 9949-11-214-1; 317 páginas), Tartu University Press, 2006 (monografía en estonio); S. Oreland, K. Raudkivi, L. Oreland, J. Harro, L. Arborelius e I. Nylander, "Ethanol-induced effects on the dopamine and serotonin systems in adult Wistar rats are dependent on early-life experiences", Brain Research (2011) 1405, 57 a 68; L. Merenäkk, J. Mäestu, N. Nordquist, J. Parik, L. Oreland, H.-M. Loit y J. Harro, "Effects of the serotonin transporter (5-HTTLPR) and α2A-adrenoceptor (C-1291G) genotypes on substance use in children and adolescents: a longitudinal study", Psychopharmacology (2011) 215, 13 a 22; J. Harro, "Inter-individual differences in neurobiology as vulnerability factors for affective disorders: implications for psychopharmacology", Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2010) 125, 402 a 422; A. L. Garcia-Garcia, N. Elizalde, D. Matrov, J. Harro, S. M. Wojcik, E. Venzala, M. J. Ramirez, J. Del Rio y R. M. Tordera, "Increased vulnerability to depressive-like behaviour of mice with decreased expression of VGLUT1", Biological Psychiatry (2009) 66, 275 a 282; A. Alttoa, M. Eller, L. Herm, A. Rinken y J. Harro, "Amphetamine-induced locomotion, behavioural sensitization to amphetamine, and striatal D2 receptor function in rats with high or low spontaneous exploratory activity: differences in the role of locus coeruleus", Brain Research (2007) 1131, 138 a 148.
What's dopamine?
¿Qué es dopamina?
- Up the Dopamine.
- Sube la dopamina.
Let's start dopamine.
Empecemos la dopamina.
- Mix up dopamine.
- Preparad la dopamina.
How about dopamine?
¿Qué tal dopamina?
Mix some dopamine.
Mezcla la dopamina.
Start the dopamine.
Pon la dopamina.
- Wean off the dopamine.
- Alejad la dopamina.
It is a dopamine antagonist.
—Es un antagonista de la dopamina;
And the dopamine flowed.
Y la dopamina fluyó.
A world ruled by dopamine.
Un mundo gobernado por la dopamina.
It’s exciting, thanks to dopamine.
Es emocionante gracias a la dopamina.
Dopamine is also highly, highly addictive.
La dopamina también es sumamente adictiva.
Have a Dopamine Addiction. You Earned It!
Tiene una adicción a la dopamina. ¡Te lo has ganado!
Dopamine-releasing incentives predominate.
Predominan los incentivos de liberación de dopamina.
Our craving for dopamine was on the rise.
Nuestro deseo por la dopamina iba en aumento.
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