Перевод для "donkey-engine" на испанский
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What I had was a donkey engine, which got its name because it works like a mule.
Tenía un motor auxiliar que trabaja como una mula.
The donkey engine on the winch clattered harshly in time to their movements.
El motor auxiliar de la grúa matraqueaba desapaciblemente al compás de sus movimientos.
But presently the sound of the donkey engine and the rattle of a steel cable on the hoisting–drum proclaimed the fact that the Kincaid's anchor was being raised, and a moment later the waiter heard the propellers revolving, and slowly the little steamer moved away from him out into the channel.
Pero, entonces, el zumbido de un motor auxiliar y el chirrido de un cabrestante indicaron que el Kincaid recogía el ancla. Un momento después, el marinero oyó el rumor de la hélice que empezaba a girar y, lentamente, el vapor se alejó del bote y se adentró por el canal.
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