Перевод для "desiccates" на испанский
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No doubt he'd want to vacuum desiccate his remains and auction them off.
Sin duda querrá desecar sus restos y venderlos en una subasta.
My girlfriend's safe, so technically, I'm not suffering, and it'd really suck if you desiccated in vain...
Mi novia está a salvo, así que técnicamente, no sufro, y sería una mierda si te desecaras...
The new buildings even had transparent windows to let in the sun's heat and to desiccate the bodies within.
Los nuevos edificios tenían incluso ventanas transparentes que permitían el paso al calor del sol para que desecara los cuerpos que había en su interior.
There were half a dozen troopers gathered around the fire in the shed, and what they were doing with the fire was desiccating an animal over it.
Sentados en torno al fuego había unos seis soldados entregados a la horrenda tarea de desecar a un animal sobre las brasas.
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